Structural steel
Structural carbon quality steel
- Steel 0501
- Steel 05kp
- Steel 08
- Steel 08kp
- 08ps steel
- Steel 08Fkp
- Steel 08U (08UA; 08U2 (08U2A))
- 08YUP steel
- 08YuPR steel
- Steel 10
- 10kp steel
- 10ps steel
- 10YuA (10Yu) steel
- Steel 11kp
- Steel 11MTUA
- 11YuA steel
- 12K Steel
- Steel 15 (15A)
- 15K Steel
- Steel 15kp
- 15ps steel
- 15FSA steel
- 15YuA steel
- 16GNMA steel
- 16K Steel
- 18K Steel
- 18kp steel
- 18YuA steel
- Steel 20 (20A; 20B)
- Steel 20-KS
- 20-KHS steel
- 20K steel
- Steel 20kp
- 20ps steel
- 20YuA steel
- 20YUCH steel (20YUCH)
- Steel 22ZhR
- 22K Steel
- Steel 25
- Steel 25ps
- Steel 30
- Steel 35
- Steel 38 (38-PV)
- Steel 40 (40A)
- Steel 43 (43-PV)
- Steel 45
- Steel 45T (45ST)
- Steel 50
- Steel 54 (54pp)
- Steel 55
- Steel 58 (55pp)
- Steel 60
- Steel 60pp (60pp-PV)
- Steel 90 (BP5)
- Steel D
- Steel DB
- E55 steel (NIPRA)
Structural carbon steel of ordinary quality
- Steel St0
- Steel St1kp
- St1ps steel
- Steel St1sp
- Steel St2kp (VSt2kp)
- Steel St2ps (VSt2ps)
- Steel St2sp (VSt2sp)
- Steel St3Gps (VSt3Gps)
- Steel St3GSp (VSt3GSp)
- Steel St3kp (VSt3kp)
- Steel St3ps (VSt3ps)
- Steel St3sp (VSt3sp)
- Steel St4kp (VSt4kp)
- Steel St4ps (VSt4ps)
- Steel St4sp (VSt4sp)
- St5Gps steel
- St5ps steel
- Steel St5sp
- Steel St6ps (VSt6ps)
- Steel St6sp (VSt6sp)
Structural alloy steel
- 06X1 steel
- 06X1F steel
- 06XGR steel
- 06XF steel
- 07Cr3HNMuA steel
- Steel 08GDNF (SL-2; 08GDNFL)
- 08Cr2G2FA steel
- Steel 08KhMFCH (08KhMFCH)
- Steel 08KhMHA (08KhMCH)
- Steel 09GSFA (09GSF)
- Steel 09N2MFBA (09N2MFBA-A)
- Steel 09SFA (09SF)
- 09ХГ2НАБч steel
- Steel 09KhN2MD (AB2-SH1)
- Steel 09KhN3MD (AB3)
- Steel 09KhN4MD (AB4)
- Steel 10G2 (10G2A)
- Steel 10GN (10GNA)
- Steel 10Х1С2М
- Steel 10Х2ГНМ (10Х2ГНМА)
- Steel 10Х2М1 (10Х2М1А)
- 10Х3ГНМЯА steel
- Steel 10ХН3МД (АБ2-Ш2)
- Steel 12G1P
- Steel 12Х2Н4А (ЭИ83)
- Steel 12Х2НВФА (ЭИ712)
- Steel 12Х2НВФМА (ЭП506; ЭИ712М)
- Steel 12Х2НМ1ФА
- Steel 12Kh2NMFA
- Steel 12ХГН2МФБДАЮ (VS-4)
- 12XHNM steel
- 12CrNiMoV Steel
- 12KhN steel
- 12XH2 steel
- 12XH2A steel
- Steel 12KhN2MD (AB1)
- 12KhN3A steel
- 12XHN3MD steel (AB2; 12XHN3MDF)
- 12XHN4MBD steel (AB2P)
- Steel 138 IZ-2
- 13H2HA steel
- Steel 13H5A
- Steel 13Х3НВМ2Ф (DI45; VKS-4)
- Steel 13ХГМРБ
- 13CrNi2MoD steel
- 13CrNi2MoFd steel
- Steel 13KhGSN1MD
- Steel 13KhFA (13KhF)
- Steel 14N2MFD (14N2MFDA)
- Steel 14Х2ГМР
- Steel 14Х2Н3МА
- 14Cr3GMu steel
- Steel 14ХГ2САФД
- Steel 14ХГН
- Steel 14KhGSN2MA (EP176; DI3A)
- Steel 14ХН3МА
- Steel 15G (15G1)
- 15GUT steel
- Steel 15H2M (15NM)
- 15H3MA steel
- 15X steel
- 15Kh1SMFB steel
- 15Cr2Hn2TA steel
- Steel 15Kh2HN2TRA
- 15KhA steel
- 15CrNi2MaFach steel
- 15CrNi2TA steel (15CrNi2TA)
- 15KhGNM steel (15KhGNMA)
- 15KhMFA steel (15KhMF)
- 15KhN3 steel
- 15Cr steel
- 15KhSMFB steel (EP79)
- 15KhFA steel (15KhF)
- Steel 16G2
- Steel 16Х2Н3МФБАЮ (16Х2Н3МФАБ; VKS7)
- Steel 16Х3НВФМБ (VKS-5; DI39)
- Steel 16ХГ (АЦ16ХГ)
- Steel 16ХГТА (ЭИ274)
- Steel 16ХН3МА
- 16KhSN steel
- Steel 17H3MA
- 17KhG steel
- Steel 18Г2ХФЯД
- Steel 18Kh2H4VA
- Steel 18Kh2H4MA
- 18CrNiG Steel
- 18ХГН2МФБ steel
- 18KhGT steel
- 18XH2T steel
- 18KhN3MA steel
- 18KhNVA steel
- Steel 18KhNMFD (18KhNMFDA)
- Steel 19Х2НВФА (ЭИ763)
- Steel 19Kh2NMFA
- Steel 19KhGN
- Steel 19ХГНМА (19ХГНМ)
- Steel 19ХГСС
- Steel 20G (20G1)
- Steel 20G2
- Steel 20G2AF (20G2AFps)
- 20G2P steel
- 20GUT steel
- Steel 20H2M (20NM)
- Steel 20F (20FA)
- 20X steel
- Steel 20X2MA
- Steel 20X2MFA
- Steel 20X2H4A
- Steel 20Х2Н4МФ (20Х2Н4МФА)
- Steel 20Kh3NMF (20Kh3NMFA)
- 20XHNM steel
- 20KhGNMT steel (20KhGNMTA)
- Steel 20ХГНР
- 20XHNTR steel
- 20XGR steel
- 20KhGSA steel
- Steel 20ХГСР
- 20XM steel
- 20KhN steel
- Steel 20KhN2M (20KhNM)
- 20KhN3A steel
- 20KhN3MFA steel (20KhN3MF)
- 20KhN4FA steel
- 20KhNR steel
- 20KhFA steel (20KhF)
- Steel 21N5A (EI56)
- Steel 21Х2НВФА
- Steel 21Х2НМФА
- Steel 22KhGNMA (22KhGNM)
- 22XHNM steel
- Steel 23G2D
- Steel 23Х2НВФА (ЭИ659)
- Steel 23Х2НМФА
- Steel 23KhN2M
- Steel 24G2
- Steel 24Kh3MF (24Kh3MFA)
- 24CrNiM Steel
- Steel 25G (25G2)
- 50G steel
- Steel 50G2
- 50X steel
- 50KhN steel
- 5XHNM2 steel
- 85GF steel
- AK32 steel
- AK33 steel
- AK34 steel
- AK35 steel
- AK36 steel
- AK37 steel
- AK48 steel
- AK49 steel
- AK50 steel
- Steel 25H
- Steel 25H3A
- Steel 25Kh2H4VA
- Steel 25Х2Н4МА
- Steel 25ХГ2СФР
- 25KhGM steel
- Steel 25KhGNMA (25KhGNM)
- Steel 25KhGNMT (25KhGNMTA)
- 25KhGSA steel
- Steel 25KhGT
- 25CrM steel
- Steel 25KhN3
- Steel 25KhNTZ
- Steel 26G1
- Steel 26Х1МА (26Х1М)
- Steel 26Х2НВМБР (KVK-26)
- Steel 26KhGM
- Steel 26ХГМФ (26ХГМФА)
- Steel 26KhMA (26KhM; 25KhM)
- Steel 27XGR
- Steel 30G (30G1)
- 30G1P steel
- Steel 30G2
- 30T steel
- 30X steel
- Steel 30X2H2VFA
- Steel 30X2H2VFMA
- Steel 30Kh2NVA
- Steel 30Kh2NVFA
- Steel 30Kh2NVFMA
- Steel 30Kh2NMA
- Steel 30Х2НМФА (30Х2НМФ)
- Steel 30Kh3MF
- 30Kh3MFSA steel
- 30Kh3NVA steel
- 30CGS steel
- 30KhGSA steel
- 30KhGT steel
- 30XM steel
- 30KhMA steel
- Steel 30KhN2VA
- Steel 30KhN2VFA
- Steel 30KhN2MA (30KhNMA)
- 30KhN2MFA steel
- 30KhN3A steel
- 30KhN3M steel
- Steel 30KhNMFA (30KhNVFA)
- 30KhRA steel
- Steel 30ХСНВФА (ВП30)
- Steel 32G2
- Steel 32G2S
- Steel 32Х2НВМБР (KVK-32)
- Steel 33Kh3SNMVFA (SP33; EP613)
- Steel 33XHN3MA
- Steel 33HS
- Steel 34KhN1VA (0KhN1V)
- Steel 34KhN3M
- Steel 35G
- Steel 35G1P
- Steel 35G2
- Steel 35X
- Steel 35Cr2YuF
- Steel 35CrNi2
- 35KhGSA steel
- Steel 35CrM
- Steel 35KhN2F
- Steel 35KHN3MA (35KHN3M)
- Steel 36G2S
- Steel 36G2SR
- Steel 36Х2Н2МФА (36ХН1МФА)
- Steel 37G2S
- Steel 37Х2НВМБР (КВК-37)
- 37KhN3A steel
- 38Cr2MuA steel (38Cr2MuA)
- Steel 38Kh2H2VA
- Steel 38Kh2H2MA (38KhNMA)
- 38X2H3M steel
- 38X2HM steel
- 38Kh2NMF steel
- 38Kh2Yu (38Kh2YuA) steel
- 38KhA steel
- 38KhGM steel
- 38KhGN steel
- 38CrNiM steel
- 38KhGSA steel (38KhGS)
- Steel 38KhM (42KhM)
- 38KhMA steel
- 38KhN3VA steel
- 38KhN3MA steel
- 38HS steel
- Steel 38KhFR (40KhFR)
- 40G steel
- Steel 40G2
- Steel 40GR (40G1P)
- Steel 40Kh (40KhA)
- Steel 40X2H2VA
- Steel 40X2H2MA
- Alloy 40Kh3M2FA (USP-40)
- 40KhGNM steel
- 40KhGSMA steel
- 40KhGTR steel
- Steel 40KhMFA (40KhMF)
- 40KhN steel
- Steel 40KhN2VA (40KhNVA)
- Steel 40KhN2MA (40KhNMA)
- 40KhR steel
- 40HS steel
- 40KhSN2MA steel
- Steel 40KhFA (40KhF)
- Steel 42Х2НВМБР (KVK-42)
- Steel 42Х2НМБР (ABO70Н)
- Steel 42KhMFA (42KhMF)
- Steel 44Х2НМБР (ABO70В)
- 45G steel
- Steel 45G2
- 45X steel
- 45KhN steel
- 45KhN2MFA steel (45KhNMFA)
- Steel 47GT
- 48KhN3M steel
Low-alloy structural steel
- 03CrNiSteel
- 05G1B steel
- 06G2AF steel
- 06G2MFB steel
- 06G2FR steel
- 06CGSY steel
- Steel 07GBU
- Steel 07GFB (07GFB-U)
- 08G1NFB steel
- Steel 08G2MF (08G2MFA)
- 08G2S steel
- 08G2SFB steel
- Steel 08G2T (08G2T-U)
- 08G2FBT steel
- 08GBU steel
- Steel 08GBUTR
- Steel 09G2
- Steel 09G2D
- Steel 09G2S (09G2SA)
- Steel 09G2SD
- Steel 09G2FB (09G2BT)
- 09GBU steel
- 09GNFB steel
- Steel 09GSNBTs
- 09CrNi2Ab steel
- 10G2B steel
- Steel 10G2BD
- 10G2BTU steel
- Steel 10G2S1
- Steel 10G2S1D
- 10G2SB steel
- 10G2SFB steel
- 10G2T steel
- 10G2FB steel
- 10Г2ФБЮ steel
- 10GNB steel
- Steel 10GS2
- 10GT steel
- Steel 10ХГСН1Д (СХЛ-45)
- 10XDP steel
- Steel 10ХН1М (ВК-1А)
- 10KhNDM steel
- 10XNDP steel
- Steel 10ХСНД (СХЛ-4)
- Steel 12G (12GA)
- Steel 12G2AF
- Steel 12G2B
- Steel 12G2S
- Steel 12G2SB
- Steel 12G2SMF
- Steel 12G2SMFAU
- 12GN2MFAu steel
- 12NDU steel
- Steel 12GS (Sv-12GS)
- 12GSB steel
- 12GF steel
- 12ХГДАФ steel
- 12HSND steel
- Steel 13G1S (13G1S-U)
- Steel 13G1SB (13G1SB-U)
- 13G2AF steel
- 13GDF steel
- Steel 13GS (13GS-U)
- Steel 13GF (13GFA)
- Steel 14G2
- Steel 14G2AF
- Steel 14G2AFD
- Steel 14GS
- Steel 14GF
- Steel 14ХГМДЦ
- Steel 14KhGS
- 15Г2АФД steel (15Г2АФДпс)
- 15G2SF steel
- 15G2SFD steel
- 15Г2ФБЮ steel
- 15GS steel
- 15GF steel
- 15GFD steel
- 15KhDP steel
- 15HSND steel
- Steel 16G (16GA)
- 16G2AF steel
- Steel 16G2AFD
- Steel 16G2SF (16G2SAF)
- 16GD steel
- 16GMYUCH steel
- 16GS steel
- 16GFB steel
- Steel 16D
- Steel 17G1S (17G1S-U)
- Steel 17GS
- Steel 18G2AF (18G2AFps)
- Steel 18Г2АФД (18Г2АФДпс)
- 18G2S steel
- 18YuT steel (Ch-33)
- Steel 19YuFT (Ch37)
- Steel 1Х2М1
- Steel 20G2S
- 20GS steel
- Steel 20GS2
- Steel 20GSF (20GSFL)
- Steel 20Х2Г2СР
- Steel 20KhG2Ts
- Steel 20ХГСС2
- Steel 22G2
- 22GYu steel
- Steel 22C
- Steel 22Kh2G2AU
- Steel 22Kh2G2P
- Steel 23Cr2G2T
- Steel 25G2S
- Steel 25GS
- Steel 25C2P
- Steel 27GS
- Steel 28G2S1D
- Steel 28G2SFB (28G2SFBD)
- Steel 28C
- Steel 30HS2
- Steel 32G2RPs
- Steel 35GS
- 45KhGMA steel
- Steel 80C
- Steel SVS-690 (Severstal-690)
- X56 steel
- Cryogenic structural steel
Heat-resistant structural steel
- Steel 08Х16Н9М2
- 12MX steel
- Steel 12Kh1MF (12KhMF; 12KhMFA)
- Steel 12Х2МФА (48ТС-2)
- Steel 12Kh2MFA-A
- Steel 12X8 (1X8)
- Steel 12Kh8VF (1Kh8VF)
- 12XM steel
- Steel 13Х3Н3М2ВФБ (VKS-10)
- Steel 13X9M (X9M)
- Steel 15Kh2MFA (48TS-3-40)
- Steel 15Kh2MFA-A
- Steel 15X5 (X5)
- Steel 15X5VF (X5VF)
- Steel 15Kh5M (X5M)
- 15CrM Steel
- Steel 18Kh2MFA (48TS-3)
- Steel 18Kh2MFA-A
- Steel 18Kh3MV (EI578)
- Steel 20Х1М1Ф1ТР (EP182)
- Steel 20Х3МВФ (ЭИ415)
- Steel 25Х1МФ (ЭИ10)
- Steel 25Kh2M1F (EI723)
- Steel 25Kh2MFA (48TS-1)
- Steel 25Kh3MFA (48TS-4)
- Steel 25Kh3MFA-A
- Steel 25X5M
- 30Kh3VA steel
- 30Cr3MA steel
- Structural bearing steel
Structural spring steel
- Steel 3K-7
- Steel 40P
- Steel 50RA (50P)
- 50KhG steel
- 50KhGA steel
- 50KhGFA steel
- Steel 50KhFA (50KhF)
- 51KhFA steel
- Steel 55C2
- Steel 55S2A
- Steel 55S2GF
- Steel 55KhGR
- Steel 55KhFA (55KhF)
- 60G steel
- Steel 60C2
- Steel 60S2A
- Steel 60S2G
- Steel 60C2H2A
- Steel 60С2Х (60С2ХА; 60С2ХАA)
- Steel 60S2HG
- Steel 60S2HFA
- Steel 60KhFA (60KhF)
- Steel 65
- Steel 65G (65G1)
- Steel 65GA
- Steel 65S2VA
- Steel 68A
- Steel 68GA
- Steel 70
- 70G steel
- Steel 70G2
- Steel 70S2HA (EI142)
- Steel 70C3A
- 70KhGFA steel
- Steel 75
- Steel 80
- Steel 85
- KT-2 steel
- KT-3 steel
Structural steel with increased machinability
- A11 steel
- A12 steel
- A20 steel
- A30 steel
- A35 steel
- A40G steel
- AC12CrN steel
- AC14 steel
- AC14CrN steel
- AC19CrN steel
- AC20CrNiM steel
- AC30CrM steel
- AC35G2 steel
- AC38CrHm steel
- AC40 steel
- AC40X steel
- AC40CrNiM steel
- AC45G2 steel
- Steel ACS30CrM
- АЦ18ХГТ steel
- Steel АЦ18ХН2Т
- AC20 steel
- AC20X steel
- Steel АЦ20ХГНМ
- Steel АЦ20ХН3
- Steel АЦ25ХГТ
- AC30 steel
- AC30X steel
- АЦ30Х3МФ steel
- АЦ30ХМ steel
- AC35 steel
- Steel AC35G2
- AC35X steel
- АЦ38ХС steel
- AC40 steel
- Steel AC40G
- АЦ40Х steel
- AC45 steel
- Steel AC45G2
- AC45X steel
- AC50 steel
- Steel AC50X
High-strength high-alloy structural steel
- Steel 01N17K12M5T (EP845; VKS-240)
- Steel 02N18K9M5T (EP637A; VKS-210)
- Steel 03N18K8M5T (VKS-170; EK21)
- Steel 03N19K6M5TR (EP631)
- Steel 03Cr14H7V
- Steel 08Х15Н25Т2МФР (EP674)
- Steel 09Х16НМ2Д (EP887; VNS28)
- Steel 120G13 (EI256)
- 12Kh3GNMFBA steel
- Steel 15Х16Н3КАМФ2 (VNS-47; EK81)
- 15Kh2GMF steel
- 15Kh2NMFA steel
- Steel 16X16H3MAD (EP811; VSN21)
- Alloy 20ХГСН2МФА (DI107)
- 20KhGSNM steel
- Steel 25Х12Н2В2М2Ф (EP311; VNS-6)
- Steel 25Х20Н9В2М (EP466)
- Steel 25Kh2GNTA
- Steel 25Х2ГНТРА
- Steel 25Х2Н4МФА
- Steel 25Kh2NMF (25Kh2NMFA)
- Steel 25KhGSNMA
- Steel 25KhN3MFA (25KhN3MFAR)
- Steel 25ХСНВФА (VP25)
- Steel 26ХН3М2ФА (26ХН3М2ФАA)
- Steel 26KhN3MF (26KhN3MFA)
- Steel 26KhN4MF (26KhN4MFA)
- Steel 27ХН3М2ФА (27ХН3М2Ф)
- Steel 27ХН3МФА (27ХН3МФ)
- Steel 28Kh3SNMVFA (SP28; EP326A)
- Steel 28ХНН3МФА (28ХН3МФ)
- Steel 30Kh2GSN2VM (30Kh2GSN2M1; VL-1)
- Steel 30Kh2GSNVM (VL-1D)
- Steel 30Х2Н2СВМФА (VKS-3)
- Steel 30KhGSN2A (30KhGSNA)
- Steel 30KhGSN2MA (30KhGSNMA)
- Steel 30ХН3М1ФА (30ХН3М1Ф)
- Steel 30ХН3М2ФА (30ХН3М2Ф)
- Steel 32KhN8M1FK5A (VKS-6)
- Steel 34KhMA (34KhM)
- Steel 34KhN3MA (0KhN3M)
- Steel 35KhMA (35KhMAR)
- Steel 35KhN1M2FA
- Steel 35KHN3MFA (35KHN3MFAR)
- Steel 35ХС2Н3М1ФА (VKS-9)
- Steel 35KhSN3M1A (VKS-8)
- Steel 36KHN3MFA (36KHN3MF)
- Steel 38Kh3SNMVFA (SP38)
- 38KhMFYUA steel
- 38KhN3MFA steel (38KhN3MF)
- 40GMFR steel
- Steel 40KhN2SVA (EI643)
- Steel 40KhN2SMA (EI643M)
- Steel 42Kh2GSNM (VKS-1)
- 43Kh3SNMVFA steel (SP43)
- Steel 45Г15Н9Х2ЮФ (EP769)
- 45Kh3NM2FA steel
- Steel АЦ28ХГН2АФБ
- Steel АЦ28ХГН3ФТ
- B2G steel
- X11MNAFB steel
- High-alloy steel
Structural carbon quality steel
Tool steel
- Tool carbon steel
Alloy tool steel
- Steel 05Х12Н6Д2МФСГТ (DI80)
- Steel 05X13H6M2
- Steel 11Х4В2МФ3С2 (DI37)
- Steel 11KhF (11Kh)
- Steel 12X1 (EP430)
- 13X steel
- 3X2MNF steel
- Steel 3X3M3F (EI76)
- Steel 4Х2В5МФ (ЭИ959)
- 4X3VMF steel (ZI2)
- 4X4VMFS steel (DI22)
- Steel 4X5V2FS (EI958)
- Steel 4Х5МФ1С (EP572)
- Steel 4Х5МФС (4Х5МФСА)
- 4XMNFS steel
- 4XMF steel
- 4KhMFS (40KhSMF) steel
- 4HS steel
- Steel 50X14MF (ЗИ128)
- Steel 55CM5FA
- Steel 55Kh7VSFM (55Kh7VSMF)
- Steel 5Х2МНФ (DI32)
- Steel 5Х3В3МФС (DI23)
- 5XANMF steel
- 5KhV2SF steel
- Steel 5KhNV (5KhNVL)
- 5KhNVS steel
- 5CrNiM steel
- 6X3MFS steel (EP788)
- 6X4M2FS steel (DI55)
- 6X6V3MFS steel (EP569)
- 6X6M1F steel
- Steel 6Х7В7ФМ (ЭИ161)
- 6XV2S steel
- 6XVG steel
- 6HS steel (EI325)
- 7H2MFA steel
- Steel 7X15VMFSN (ChS93)
- 7X3 steel
- 7ХГ2ВМФ steel
- 7CrNiM steel
- Steel 8H1A
- Steel 8X3
- Steel 8X4V2MFS2 (EP761)
- Steel 8Kh6NFT (85Kh6NFT)
- 8XF steel
- Steel 90KhF (9Kh1F; 9KhF)
- Steel 95Kh6M3F3ST (EK80)
- Steel 9G2F (EI972)
- 9X1 steel
- Steel 9X5VF
- Steel 9X6F2ARSTG (EC15)
- Steel 9KhVG
- 9XS steel
- 9KhFM steel
- B2F steel
- Steel X
- X12 steel
- X12VMF steel
- X12MF steel
- X12F1 steel
- Steel Х6ВФ (ЭИ808)
- X9VMF steel
- CV4F steel
- CVG steel
- CVCGF steel
- CGS steel
- Tool roll steel
- Tool stamping steel
Rapid-cutting tool steel
- Steel 11M5F
- Steel 11R3AM3F2 (EP894)
- 75KhMF steel
- Steel 9X4M3F2AGST (EK42)
- Steel R12M3K5F2-MP (DI103-MP)
- Steel R12MF5-MP (DI70-MP)
- Steel R12F2K5M3 (EP863)
- Steel R12F2K8M3 (EP657)
- R12F3 steel
- Steel R12F3K10M3 (EP682)
- Steel R13F4K5 (EP600)
- R14F4 steel
- R18 steel
- Steel R18K5F2 (EI940)
- Steel R18F2K8M (EP379)
- P2AM9K5 steel
- P6AM5 steel
- R6M5 steel
- R6M5K5 steel
- Steel R6M5K5-MP (DI101-MP)
- R6M5F3 steel
- Steel R6M5F3-MP (DI99-MP)
- Steel R7M2F6-MP (DI100-MP)
- Steel R8F2K8M5 (EP658)
- P9 steel
- R9K5 steel
- Steel R9M4K6S (EP722)
- Steel R9M4K8
- Steel R9M4K8-MP (DI102-MP)
- Steel R9F5 (EI706)
Steels and alloys for castings
- Steel for castings unalloyed
Steel for castings with special properties
- Steel 03Х12Н5М6К13Л (VNL-8)
- Steel 05X18AN5FL
- Steel 05X18AN6M2FL
- Steel 06Х12Н3ДЛ
- Steel 06Х17Н10Г2С2Л (VNL-12)
- Steel 07X17H16TL
- Steel 07Х18Н10Г2С2М2Л
- Steel 07Х18Н9Л (5Х18Н9Л)
- Steel 07Х20Н25М3Д2ТL
- Steel 07Х21Н9С2М (VNL-4)
- Steel 07Х24Н8М2Д3Л (VKL-1)
- 07KhN25MDTL steel
- Steel 08G2DNFL
- Steel 08Х12Н4ГСМЛ
- 08Cr13HdL steel
- Steel 08X13L (EI496L)
- Steel 08Х14Н5М2ДЛ (VNL-3)
- Steel 08Х14Н7МЛ (VNL-1; 5Х14Н7МЛ)
- Steel 08X14NDL
- Steel 08Х15Н4ДМЛ
- Steel 08Х17Н34В5Т3Ю2Л (5Х17Н34В5Т3У2Л)
- Steel 08Х17Н34В5Т3Ю2РЛ
- Steel 09Х16Н4БЛ (10Х16Н4БЛ)
- Steel 09X17H3SL (10X17H3SL)
- Steel 10Х12НДЛ (0Х12НДЛ)
- Steel 10Х14Н5М2Л (VNL-2)
- Steel 10X14NDL (5X14NDL)
- Steel 10Х17Н10Г4МБЛ (ЭИ402МЛ; 10Х17Н10Г4МБЛС)
- Steel 10Х17Н13Г4Д2ТЛ (0Х17Н13Г4Д2ТЛ)
- Steel 10Х18Н11БЛ (5Х18Н11БЛ)
- Steel 10Х18Н12М3Л
- Steel 10Х18Н3Г3Д2Л (0Х18Н3Г3Д2Л)
- Steel 10Х18Н9БЛ (Х18Н9БЛ)
- 10X18H9L steel
- Steel 10Х21Н6М2Л
- Steel 10Х28Н6М3АL
- 110G10L steel
- Steel 110G13L (G13L)
- Steel 110G13FTL
- Steel 110G13H2BRL
- Steel 110Г13ХБРЛ
- Steel 110Г13ХНЛ
- 110G8L steel
- Steel 120G10FL
- Steel 120Г13Х2БЛ
- Steel 12МХЛ (12ХМЛ)
- Steel 12H2DML
- Steel 12Х13Н3М2Л (VNL-9)
- Steel 12Х16Н8М2БЛ (VNL-11)
- Steel 12Х18Н12БЛ (10Х18Н12БЛ)
- Steel 12Х18Н12М3ТL
- Steel 12Х18Н6ФАЛ
- Steel 12X18H7M2FAL
- Steel 12Х18Н9ТL (10Х18Н9ТL)
- Steel 12Х19Н7Г2САЛ
- Steel 12Х21Н5Г2САЛ
- Steel 12Х21Н5Г2СЛ
- Steel 12Х21Н5Г2СМ2Л
- Steel 12Х21Н5Г2СТЛ
- Steel 12Х25Н5ТМФЛ (10Х25Н5ТМФЛ)
- 12ХГФЛ steel
- Steel 130Г14ХМФАЛ
- Steel 13NDFTL
- Steel 13Х11Н5М5Л (VNL-5)
- Steel 14Х18Н4Г4Л (10Х18Н4Г4Л)
- Steel 14Х2ГМРЛ
- 15DNML steel
- Steel 15Х11МФБЛ
- Steel 15X13L (10X13L)
- 15X14NL steel
- Steel 15Х18Н10Г2С2М2Л
- Steel 15Х18Н10Г2С2М2ТЛ
- 15X18H10L steel
- Steel 15Х18Н12С4Л
- Steel 15Х18Н22В6М2Л
- Steel 15Х18Н22В6М2РЛ
- 15Х23Н18Л steel
- 15X25TL steel
- 16GDNML steel
- Steel 16Х18Н12С4ТЛ (ЭИ654ЛК)
- Steel 18Kh12NMVFL
- Steel 18Х25Н19СЛ (15Х25Н19СЛ)
- 20GSNML steel
- Steel 20H3DML
- 20FTL steel
- Steel 20X12VNMFL
- 20X13L steel
- Steel 20Х20Н14С2Л
- Steel 20Х21Н46В8Л
- Steel 20Х21Н46В8РЛ
- Steel 20Х25Н19С2Л (15Х25Н19С2Л)
- Steel 20X5ML
- Steel 20X5TL
- Steel 20X8VL
- 20KhGSNML steel
- Steel 20ХГСФЛ
- Steel 25NL
- Steel 25Х2НМЛ
- Steel 27ХГСНМЛ
- Steel 27ХН2МФЛ
- Steel 30Х16Н22В6БЛ (ЦЖ-13Л)
- Steel 30Х24Н10АТС2Л
- Steel 30Х28Н6М2Л
- Steel 30KhG2STL
- Steel 31Х19Н9МВБТЛ (ЭИ572Л; 30Х19НМВБТЛ)
- Steel 35Х18Н24С2Л (30Х18Н24С2Л)
- Steel 35X23H7SL (25X23H7SL)
- Steel 35KhMFL
- Steel 40Г17ХН2 (ММЛ-1)
- 40X17SL steel (GX40CrSi17)
- Steel 40Х24Н12СЛ (30Х24Н12СЛ)
- Steel 40X27H4SL (GX40CrNiSi27-4)
- Steel 40X29SL (GX40CrSi29)
- Steel 40Kh9S2L
- Steel 45G17NMF (MML-3)
- Steel 45G18H2TUL
- Steel 45Cr17H13Ni3YuL
- Steel 4Х4Н5МК (VKL-4М)
- Steel 50X24H12SAL
- Steel 55Х18Г14С2ТL
- Steel 60G17HN2F (MML-2)
- Steel 60X16G13TL
- 70XL steel
- Steel 85X4M5F2V6L (R6M5L)
- Steel 90G14Yu2
- Steel 90X28MFTAL
- Steel 90X4M4F2V6L (R6M4F2L)
- 95X18M steel (VNL-13)
- Alloy ANV-300
- Alloy VZhL8
- G13Cr2L steel
- G13HL steel
- X23H26M3TFL steel
- X23N28M3D3TL steel
- X25H13ATL steel
Alloy steel for castings
- Steel 03N12H5M3TL
- Steel 03N12H5M3TUL
- 08G2FL steel
- Steel 08GDNL (SL-30)
- 08GNL steel
- 08GNFL steel
- Steel 08N6G4ML
- 08TL steel
- Steel 12DN2FL
- Steel 12DKhN1MFL
- Steel 12Х2НВМЛ (VKL-3)
- Steel 12Х2НМЛ (VKL-3М)
- Steel 12Х7Г3СЛ
- Steel 13KhNDFTL
- 15GL steel
- 15GNL steel
- 15GNFL steel
- Steel 15Х1М1ФЛ
- 15KhGSML steel
- 15XL steel
- Steel 16Х3МФЛ
- 16KhGTL steel
- 20GL steel
- 20GML steel
- 20GNMFL steel
- 20GNMYL steel
- 20GNFL steel
- 20GSL steel
- 20GTL steel
- 20GFL steel (20G1FL)
- 20DHL steel
- 20FL steel
- Steel 20Х3МВФЛ (ЭИ415Л)
- 20KhGSL steel
- 20XL steel
- 20KhML steel
- 20KhMFL steel
- 20XHN3L steel
- 20KhNL steel
- 20KhNFL steel
- Steel 23GNMFL
- Steel 23ХГСС2МФЛ
- Steel 25GSL
- Steel 25Х2ГНМФЛ
- Steel 25KhGL
- Steel 25KhGSL
- Steel 27Х5GSML
- Steel 28X11ML
- 30GL steel
- 30GSL steel
- Steel 30Х3С3ГМЛ
- 30KhG1 steel
- 30KhGSFL steel
- Steel 30ХГСФРЛ
- 30ХГФРЛ steel
- 30XL steel
- 30KhML steel
- 30KhNML steel
- Steel 32X06L
- Steel 35GL
- Steel 35GTRL
- Steel 35NGML
- 35KhGL steel
- Steel 35KhGSL
- Steel 35KhGFL (35KhGF)
- Steel 35KhML
- Steel 35KhN2VL
- Steel 35KhN2ML
- Steel 35KhNL
- Steel 35KhNML
- 36CrNrL steel
- Steel 40G1
- 40GTL steel
- 40KhGRL steel
- 40KhL steel
- 40KhML steel
- 40KhN2L steel
- 40KhNL steel
- 40KhFL steel
- 45GL steel
- Steel 45FL
- 50KhGL steel
- Steel 55SL
- Steel 5MFRL
- Steel 5FL
- 5KhNML steel
- Steel 60KhGL
- 70GL steel
- Steel 70X2GL
- Steel 75KhNMFL
- Steel 80GSL
- VKL-5 steel
- KPL steel
- X15L steel
- X8ML steel
Alloy for castings with special properties
- Alloy 06Х20Н10М3Д3С4Л (06Х20Н10М3Д3С4)
- Alloy 12XH28MDTL (EI629)
- Alloy 45Х26Н23С2Б2
- Alloy 45X26H33S2B2
- Alloy Biduloid
- Alloy B3K
- Alloy B56
- Alloy VZHL15
- Alloy VZHL2M
- Alloy ZhS3DK
- Alloy ZhS3LS
- Alloy ZhS6K
- Alloy L114
- Alloy LK4
- Alloy CrN35Zh14AMTL
- Alloy KhN54MVTYUL (ChS94)
- Alloy KhN57VMTYUBL (ChS91)
- Alloy KhN57KVYUTMBL (ChS88)
- Alloy KhN57KVYUTMBRL (ChS88U)
- Alloy KhN58KVTYUMBL (ChS70; CH25)
- Alloy KhN58KTVYUMBL (ChS104)
- Alloy KhN63MYUTBV (SZHL-800; EK112)
Steel, heat resistant alloy
Heat resistant alloy
- Alloy 05X20H32T
- Alloy 10X20H32TU
- Alloy 15Х25Н40М2ВТ
- Alloy 16KhNKGMB (EP899)
- Alloy 20X25H20S
- Alloy 20X25N25TU
- Alloy Kh18K60V14N11 (EP131)
- Alloy Kh20N32T (KhN32T; EP670)
- Alloy HC30NVMT (EP720)
- Alloy KhN23MTYR (EP260)
- Alloy KhN33BS
- Alloy KhN33KVY (VZH145; EK102)
- Alloy CrN35VB (EP912)
- Alloy CrN35VT (EI612)
- Alloy CrN35VTU (EI787)
- Alloy KhN35KVT (EI612K)
- Alloy KhN35MTU (EP105)
- Alloy KhN38VB (EI703B)
- Alloy KhN43BMTU (EP915)
- Alloy KhN43MGB (EP941)
- Heat-resistant low-alloy steel
Heat-resistant high-alloy steel
- Steel 01X19Yu3Bch (EP904; 02X18Yu3B)
- Steel 04Х15Н11С3МТ
- Steel 06X14H5MF
- Steel 06Х16Н15М3Б (ЭИ847; 06Х16Н15М3Б)
- 06X16H15M3K steel
- Steel 07Х25Н16АГЦ (EP781)
- Steel 08X14MF
- Steel 08Х15Н24В4ТР (EP164)
- Steel 08Х15Н25М3ТЮБ
- Steel 08Х15Н5Д2Т (EP410; VNS-2; EP225)
- Steel 08Х16Н13М2Б (ЭИ680)
- Steel 09X14H16B (EI694)
- Steel 09X14H19V2BR (EI695R)
- Steel 09Х14Н19В2БР1 (ЭИ726)
- Steel 09Х16Н13М3 (ЭИ592)
- Steel 09Х16Н15М3Б
- Steel 09Х16Н16МВ2БР (ЭП184; Х16Н16МВ2БР)
- Steel 09Х16Н7М2Ю (ЗИ65)
- 10GN2MFA steel
- Steel 10Х11Н20Т3Р (ЭИ696)
- Steel 10Х11Н23Т3МР (ЭП33; ЭЦ696)
- Steel 10Х12Н22Т3МРУ (EP33U)
- Steel 10Х15Н28В2М4Б (EP485)
- Steel 10Х15Н9С3Б1 (EP302)
- 10Х9НСМФБ steel
- Steel 11Х11Н2В2МФ (ЭИ962)
- Steel 13Х11Н2В2МФ (ЭИ961; ВНС-33)
- Steel 13Х14Н3В2ФР (ЭИ736; 513Л)
- Steel 13Х15Н4АМ3 (EP310; VNS-5)
- Steel 15X11MF (1X11MF)
- Steel 15Х12ВНМФ (ЭИ802)
- Steel 15Kh12N2MVFAB (EP517)
- Steel 15Х16К5Н2МВФАБ (EP866; VNS-30)
- Steel 16Х11Н2В2МФ (ЭИ962А)
- Steel 16Х12ВМСФ5Р
- Steel 16X12MVSFBR (EP823)
- 18X11MNFB steel (EP291)
- Steel 18Х12ВМБФР (ЭИ993)
- Steel 18Х14Н4АМ3 (VNS-43)
- 18Kh15N3M steel (DI1)
- Steel 1Х14Н14В2М (ЭИ257)
- Steel 20X12VNMF (EP428; 20X12VNMF-S (EP427-S))
- Steel 25Х13Н2ВМФ (EP65; 2Х13НВМФ)
- Steel 25Х18Н10В2 (EP610)
- Steel 25Х18Н8В2 (ЭИ946)
- Steel 31Х19Н9МВБТ (ЭИ572)
- Steel 37Х12Н8Г8МФБ (ЭИ481)
- Steel 40Х15Н7Г7Ф2МС (ЭИ388)
- Steel 42Х11М3Ф (EP890)
- Steel 45Х14Н14В2М (ЭИ69)
- Steel 45Х14Н14СВ2М (ЭИ240)
- Steel X12H20T2P (EI696A)
- X14H8M2 steel (EP509)
- Cr18N13C2AMVF5P steel
- Heat-resistant relaxation-resistant steel
- Heat-resistant steel
- Heat-resistant and heat-resistant steel
Heat-resistant heat-resistant alloy
- Alloy 05KhN46MVBh (DI65)
- Alloy KhN30VMT (EP437; VZH102)
- Alloy KhN30TDU (EP655; VNS12)
- Alloy KhN38VT (EI703)
- Alloy KhN45TU (EK101; VKS-46)
- Alloy KhN45Yu (EP747)
- Alloy KhN50MVKTYR (EP99)
- Alloy CrN60VT (EI868; VZh98)
- Alloy KhN60Yu (EI559A)
- Alloy KhN70Yu (EI652)
- Alloy KhN75MBTU (EI602)
- Alloy KhN77TU (EI437A)
- Alloy CrN78T (EI435)
- Alloy EC79
- Heat-resistant alloy
- Heat-resistant alloy steel
Heat resistant alloy
Steel, corrosion-resistant alloy
Corrosion-resistant iron-nickel alloy
- Alloy 01X18H40M5G2TFRY (EP753U)
- Alloy 01X18H40M5GB (EP753; ČS116)
- Alloy 01X18H40M5GBR (EP753R)
- Alloy 03KhN28MDT (EP516)
- Alloy 06XHN28MDT (EI943)
- Alloy 06XHN28MT (EI628)
- Alloy Kh33TMMDU (EK63)
- Alloy KhN30MDB (EK77)
- Alloy CrN40B (EP337)
- Alloy KhN40M5T2GYUBR (EK173)
- Alloy CrN40MDB (EP937)
- Alloy CrN40MDTU (EP543U)
- Alloy CrN46B (EP350; 0Х20Н46B)
Corrosion-resistant steel
- Steel 015Х16Н15М3
- Steel 02X17H14M3
- 02Cr18Ni11 steel
- Steel 02Х21Н21М4Г2Б (ЗИ69)
- Steel 02Х21Н25М5ДБ (EC5)
- Steel 02Х25Н22АМ2 (ChS108)
- Steel 03Х11Н10М2Т2 (EP853)
- Steel 03Х12К10М6Н4Т (EP927)
- Steel 03Х12Н10МТР (EP810; VNS-25)
- Steel 03X13AG19 (ChS36)
- Steel 03Х15Н35Г7М6Б (EP855)
- Steel 03Х16Н15М3 (ЭИ844)
- Steel 03X17AN9 (EK177)
- Steel 03Х17Н14М2
- Steel 03X18N11 (000X18N11)
- Steel 03Х18Н12 (000Х18Н12)
- Steel 03Х18Н12Т (000Х18Н12Т)
- Steel 03Х20Н45М5Б (ChS32; 03ХН45МБ)
- Steel 03Х21Н21М4ГБ (ЗИ35)
- Steel 03Х21Н25М5ДБ
- Steel 03Х22Н6М2 (ЗИ67)
- Steel 03Х23Н6 (ЗИ68)
- Steel 04X17H10M2
- 04X15ST steel
- 04X17T steel
- Steel 04X18H10 (EI842)
- Steel 04X19MAFT
- Steel 04Х25Н5М2 (DI62)
- Steel 04Х32Н8 (EP535)
- Steel 05Х12Н2К3М2АФ (VNS-40)
- Steel 05Х12Н9М2С3 (EP821)
- Steel 05Х20Н15АГ6 (ChS109)
- 05KhGB steel
- Steel 06Х12Н3Д (08Х12Н3Д)
- Steel 06Х12Н3Д
- 06X13H4DM steel
- Steel 06Х14Н6Д2МБТ (EP817)
- 06X15H4DM steel
- Steel 06X18H11 (EI684)
- Steel 07Х16Н6
- Steel 07Х15Н7М2 (EP35; СН-4; Х15Н8М2Ю)
- Steel 07Х16Н4Б
- Steel 07Х16Н6 (EP288; СН-2А; Х16Н6)
- Steel 07X18N10P (EP287)
- Steel 07X21G7AN5 (EP222)
- Steel 08Х10Н16Т2 (0Х10Н16Т2)
- Steel 08Х10Н20Т2 (0Х10Н20Т2)
- Steel 08Х17Н13М2Т (0Х17Н13М2Т; ЭИ448)
- Steel 08Х17Н15М3Т (ЭИ580)
- Steel 08Х17Н5М3 (ЭИ925)
- Steel 08Cr17Ni6T (DI-21)
- Steel 08Х18Г8Н2Т (KO-3)
- Steel 08X18H12B (EI402)
- Steel 08Cr18Ni12T (0Cr18Ni12T)
- Steel 08X18H4G11AF (HH-3F)
- Steel 08X18H5G11BAF (HH-3BF)
- Steel 08Cr18Ni5G12AB (HH-3B)
- Steel 08Х18Н7Г10АМ3 (08Х18Н7Г10АМ3С2)
- Steel 08X18Th (DI-77)
- Steel 08Х20Н4АГ10 (НН-3)
- Steel 08Х21Г11А6 (VNS-53)
- Steel 08Х22Н6Т (EP53)
- Steel 08ХГСДП
- Steel 09Х15Н8Ю1 (09Х15Н8Ю; ЭИ904)
- Steel 09Х16Н4Б (EP56; 1Х16Н4Б)
- Steel 09Х17Н7Ю (ЭИ973)
- Steel 09Cr17N7Yu1 (0Cr17N7Yu1)
- Steel 10Х14АГ15 (DI-13)
- Steel 10Х14Г14Н3 (DI-6)
- Steel 10Х17Н13М2Т (ЭИ448)
- Steel 10Х17Н13М3Т (ЭИ432)
- Steel 10Х17Н5М2 (EP405)
- Steel 10Х18Н5Г9АС4 (EP492; VNS-3)
- Steel 10Х32Н4Д (EP529)
- Steel 11Х13Н3
- Steel 12Х13Г12АС2Н2 (DI50)
- Steel 12X17G9AN4 (EI878)
- Steel 12Х17Н8Г2С2МФ (ЗИ126)
- Steel 12X18H10E (EP47)
- Steel 12Х18Н13АМ3 (EP878)
- Steel 12Х21Н5Т (ЭИ811; 1Х21Н5Т)
- Steel 13Х18Н10Г3С2М2 (ЗИ98)
- Steel 15Х17АГ14 (ЭП213)
- Steel 15Х18Н12С4ТЮ (ЭИ654; 2Х18Н12С4ТЮ)
- 18X13H3 steel
- Steel 20Х13Н4Г9 (ЭИ100)
- Steel 20X17H2 (2X17H2)
- Steel 25Х13Н2 (ЭИ474)
- Steel 25X17H2 (EP407)
- Steel 25X17H2B
- Steel 26Х14Н2 (EP208)
- Steel 30X13 (3X13)
- Steel 40X13 (4X13)
- Steel 65X13
- Steel 95X13M3K3B2F (EP766)
- Steel 95X18 (EI229)
- Cr17N14M2T steel
- Cr17N14M3T steel
Corrosion-resistant heat-resistant steel
- Steel 015N18K13M5TU (EP948; ČS35)
- Steel 015N18M4TU (EP989; ČS5U)
- Steel 015Cr18Nr15P09 (EP166A)
- Steel 015Х18Н15Р13 (EP166Б)
- Steel 015Cr18Nr15P17 (EP167A)
- Steel 015Cr18Nr15P22 (EP167B)
- Steel 015Х18Н15Р26 (EP168А)
- Steel 015Cr18Nr15P30 (EP168B)
- Steel 01N18K9M5T (EP637U)
- Steel 02N15K10M5F5
- Steel 02N18M3K3T (EK165; ČS101)
- Steel 02X8H22S6 (EP794)
- Steel 03N10Cr12D2T
- Steel 03N14H5M3T (EP777)
- Steel 03N14Cr5M3Tu (OMC-2)
- Steel 03N15K10M5F5 (EK169)
- Steel 03N17K10V10MT (EP836)
- Steel 03N18K1M3TU (ZI80)
- Steel 03N18K8M3TU (ЗИ25)
- Steel 03N18K9M5TU (ChS4)
- Steel 03N18M3TU (ChS5)
- Steel 03N18M4TU (ChS25)
- Steel 03Х11Н10М2Т (EP678; VNS-17)
- Steel 03Х11Н10М2Т1 (EP679)
- Steel 03Х12Н8К5М2ТЮ (ЗИ90)
- Steel 03Х12Н8МТю (ЗИ37)
- Steel 03Х13Н5М5К9 (VNL-6)
- Steel 03Х17Н14М3 (ЗИ66)
- Steel 04Х16Н11М3Т (DI95)
- Steel 05X12H2M
- Steel 05Х12Н5К14М5ТВ (EP695)
- Steel 06X13H7D2 (EP898)
- Steel 06Х15Н6МВФБ (VNS16)
- Steel 06Х16Н15М2Г2ТФР (ЧС68)
- Steel 06Х16Н15М3БР (EP172)
- Steel 07Kh12NMBF (EP609)
- Steel 07Х12НМФБ (ChS80)
- Steel 07Х15Н30В5М2 (ChS81)
- Steel 07Kh25N16AH6F (EP750)
- Steel 08Cr13 (EI496)
- Steel 08Х14Н2К3МФБ (EK93; VNS-51)
- Steel 08Х16Н11М3
- Steel 08X19H12TF
- Steel 08Х20Н12АБФ
- Steel 09X17N (ChS130)
- 09Cr18Ni9 steel
- Steel 10Х12Н20Т2 (EP452)
- Steel 10Х12Н3М2БФ
- 10X18N10T steel (EP502)
- 10X18H9 steel
- Steel 10Х20Н33Б
- Steel 10Х25Н6АТМФ
- Steel 11Х17Н
- Steel 12Х12М1БФР (EP450)
- Steel 12Х18Н9 (Х18Н9)
- Steel 13Х16Н3М2АФ (VNS57)
- Steel 14Х17Н2 (ЭИ268)
- Steel 14Х20Н25В5МБ (LZhT)
- Steel 15Kh16N2AM (EP479)
- Steel 16Х12В2ФТаР (EC181)
- Steel 17Х18Н9 (2Х18Н9)
- Steel 20Х12НМВБФАР (ЧС139)
- Steel 20X13 (02X13)
- Steel 20Х13Н2ДМЮФ (DI96)
- Steel 23Х15Н5АМ3 (18Х15Н6АМ3; VNS-9)
- Steel 30X23H7S
- Steel 32Х13Н6К3М2БДЛТ (VNS-32; SES1)
- Steel 35Х24Н24Б
- Steel 45X25H20S
- Steel 45X25H20C2
- 45X25H35BS steel
- Steel 45Х28Н49В5С
- Steel 4Х13Н6ЛВФ (EP354)
- Steel 50Kh15MFasch
- Steel 50Х20Н35С2Б
- Steel 50Х25Н35В5К15С
- Steel 50X25H35S2B
- Steel 80X20NS (EP992)
- Steel 9Х13Н6ЛК4 (ЭИ928)
- Steel CS 116-ID (EP753U-ID)
Corrosion-resistant heat-resistant steel
- Steel 015Cr18M2B (EP882)
- Steel 01X18 (ChS86)
- Steel 01X18M2T (ChS77)
- Steel 01X18T (ChS74)
- Steel 01X13MBSch (EP933)
- Steel 01X25M2T (ChS78)
- Steel 01X25T (ChS75)
- Steel 01Х25ТБЮ (ChS76; 01Х25ТБ)
- Steel 03Х11Н8М2Ф (DI52)
- Steel 03Х17Н8Г5МФАБ (VNS-31)
- Steel 03Cr18Ni10T (03Cr18Ni10T; Cr18Ni10T)
- Steel 03X20Yu3NTB (KO-4)
- 05Cr18Ni10T (0Cr18Ni10T) steel
- Steel 06Х16Н2К5ФМБ (EP875; VNS-26)
- Steel 06Х18Г9Н5АБ (06Х18Г5Н5АБ; ЧС51)
- Steel 06X18H10T (06X18H10)
- Steel 06X20H14C2
- Steel 08Cr17T (EI645)
- Steel 08Cr18Ni10 (EI119)
- Steel 08Cr18Ni10T (EI914)
- Steel 08X18T1 (0X18T1)
- Steel 08Х20Н14С2 (ЭИ732)
- Steel 09Cr18Ni10T (1Cr18Ni10T)
- Steel 10Х13Г18Д (DI-61; 12Х13Г18Д)
- Steel 10Х15Н27Т3МР (EP700)
- Steel 12X17 (X17)
- Steel 12Х20Н14С2 (ЭИ732)
- Steel 13Х13С2М2 (ЭИ852)
- Steel 15X25T (EI439)
- Steel 15X28 (EI349)
- Steel 20Х20Н14С2 (ЭИ211)
- 4X18H2M steel (EP378)
Corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant steel
- Steel 015Х14Н19С6Б (ChS110)
- Steel 015Х20Н25Г2Б (EP754)
- Steel 02Х24Н6АМ3 (DI91)
- Steel 03N18K9M5T (EP637; MS200)
- Steel 03Х16Н15М3Б (026Х16Н15М3Б; ЭИ844Б)
- Steel 03Х18Н9Т (Х18Н9Т)
- Steel 03Х19Н15Г6М2АВ2 (ChS39)
- Steel 03Х21Н32М3Б (EP864; ČS33)
- Steel 03Х24Н6АМ3 (ЗИ130)
- Steel 03Х9К14Н6М3Д (EP921; 03Х9К14Н6М3ДФ)
- Steel 04Х11Н9М2Д2 (EP832; 04Х11Н9М2Д2ТЮ)
- Steel 04Х13Н4АГ20 (ChS52)
- Steel 04Х14К13Н4М3ТВ (EP767)
- Steel 05Х15Н9Г6АМ (ChS31)
- Steel 05Х21Н12Г2БРч (DI94)
- Steel 07X13AG20 (ChS46)
- 08X14F steel
- Steel 08Х20Н5АГ12МФ (DI8)
- Steel 08Х21Н6М2Т (EP54)
- Steel 10Х12Н3М2ФА (ЦД-М)
- Steel 10Х12НД (0Х12НД)
- Steel 10Х13Г12БС2Н2Д2 (DI59)
- Steel 10X18G14AN4 (EP197; X18G14AN4)
- Steel 10Х32Н8 (EP263; Х32Н8)
- Steel 10Х9МФБ (DI82)
- Steel 12Х11В2МФ (ЭИ756)
- Steel 12X13 (1X13)
- Steel 12X18H10T (X18H10T)
- Steel 12Х18Н12Т (Х18Н12Т)
- 12X18H9SMR steel (EP414; Х18Н9СМР)
- Steel 12Х18Н9Т (Х18Н9Т)
- Steel 16Х20К6Н2МВФ (EP768; VNS-22)
- Steel 19Х20Н4АМ3Д2С (EC7)
- Steel 90G29Yu9VBM (DI38; 90G29Yu9VMBF; DI38F)
Corrosion-resistant iron-nickel alloy
Specialty steels and alloys
Steel for shipbuilding
- 08Cr18Ni10Gt steel
- Steel 12G2MFT
- 12X18H10GT steel
- Steel 18Х20Н13 (ЭИ997)
- Steel 25KhGMNTBA (25KhG2MNTBA)
- Steel 26G2STa
- Steel 28ХГНМФД
- 38Kh3M1F1A steel
- Steel 40G18Yu3F (Yu3F)
- Steel 45Г17Ю3 (Ю3; ЭИ839)
- Steel 50G23Kh4FV7 (48VNNK-2)
- Steel 80G20F2Yu (F2)
- Steel A
- A27S steel
- A32 steel
- A36 steel
- A40 steel
- A40S steel
- B Steel
- Steel D27
- D27S steel
- Steel D32
- D36 steel
- Steel D40
- D40S steel
- Steel E
- E27 Steel
- E27S Steel
- E32 steel
- E36 Steel
- E40 steel
- E40S steel
- X18G13AN4 steel
- Steel D
- Steel for building structures
- Non-magnetic steel
- Magnetic steel
- Steels and alloys for medical purposes
Steel for railway transport and railroads
- Steel 2
- Steel 3
- 3Gps steel
- Steel 4
- Steel 54 (M54)
- 5Gps steel
- Steel 63 (K63)
- Steel 68 (M68)
- Steel 70 (M70)
- Steel 73B (M73B)
- Steel 73T (M73T)
- Steel 73C (M73C)
- Steel 74 (M74)
- Steel 74T (M74T)
- Steel 74C (M74C)
- Steel 76 (M76)
- Steel 76B (M76B)
- Steel 76VT (M76VT)
- 76T steel
- Steel 76F
- 76KhSF steel
- Steel 76C (M76C)
- 78KhSF steel
- Steel 90AF (E90AF)
- Steel A1 (A0)
- A2 steel
- A3 steel
- A4 steel
- Steel wheel 1
- Steel wheel 2
- Steel wheel 3
- Steel M75
- Steel H50
- OS Steel
- PT70 steel
- T60 steel
Steel for shipbuilding
Electrotechnical steel
Electrotechnical sulfurous steel
- Steel 1211 (E11)
- Steel 1212 (E12)
- Steel 1213 (E13)
- Steel 1311 (E21)
- Steel 1312 (E22)
- Steel 1313
- Steel 1411 (E31)
- Steel 1412 (E32)
- Steel 1413 (E33)
- Steel 1511 (E41)
- Steel 1512 (E42)
- Steel 1513 (E43)
- Steel 1514 (E43A)
- Steel 1521 (E44)
- Steel 1561 (E45)
- Steel 1562 (E46)
- Steel 1571 (E47)
- Steel 1572 (E48)
- Steel 2011 (E0100)
- Steel 2012 (E0300)
- Steel 2013
- Steel 2014
- Steel 2111 (E1000)
- Steel 2112 (E1000AA)
- Steel 2211 (E1300)
- Steel 2212
- Steel 2311 (E2200)
- Steel 2312
- Steel 2411 (E3100)
- Steel 2412
- Steel 2413
- Steel 2421
- Steel 3311 (E411)
- Steel 3404
- Steel 3405
- Steel 3406
- Steel 3407
- Steel 3408
- Steel 3411 (E310)
- Steel 3412 (E320)
- Steel 3413 (E330)
- Steel 3414 (E330A)
- Steel 3415
- Steel 3421 (E340)
- Steel 3422 (E350)
- Steel 3423 (E360)
- Steel 3424 (E360A)
- Steel 3425 (E360AA)
- Steel 3471
- Steel 3472
- Non-alloy electrical steel
Electrotechnical sulfurous steel
Precision alloy
Magnetically soft precision alloy
- Alloy 10Su
- Alloy 12Yu
- Alloy 16X
- Alloy 16YuX (16YuX)
- Alloy 27KH
- Alloy 30NG (EP456)
- Alloy 31H3X
- Alloy 31H4X
- Alloy 31H6X
- Alloy 31H8X
- Alloy 33H2X
- Alloy 33H5X
- Alloy 34H2X
- Alloy 34NKM
- Alloy 35H2X
- Alloy 35NKHSP
- Alloy 36KNM
- Alloy 36N11H (EP297)
- Alloy 36NK11
- Alloy 40H
- Alloy 40NKM
- Alloy 45H
- Alloy 47NK
- Alloy 49K2F (EP207)
- Alloy 49K2FA
- Alloy 49K2FN
- Alloy 49KF
- Alloy 49KF2
- Alloy 50H
- Alloy 50NCHS
- Alloy 50ÕÍS
- Alloy 64H (65H)
- Alloy 68NM
- Alloy 74NMD (EP233)
- Alloy 76NCD
- Alloy 77NMD (EP264)
- Alloy 79H3M
- Alloy 79NM (80NM)
- Alloy 80H2M
- Alloy 80NCHS
- Alloy 81NMA
- Alloy 82N6KhB (H32Kh6Yu)
- Alloy 83NF
Magnetically hard precision alloy
- Alloy 20NCHG (EP298)
- Alloy 22Kh15KTF (EK159; 22Kh15KA)
- Alloy 25NY
- Alloy 25X15KYUBF (EC33; 25X15K1)
- Alloy 35KX12
- Alloy 35KX15
- Alloy 35KX4F
- Alloy 35KX6F
- Alloy 35KH8F
- Alloy 40KNB (EP966)
- Alloy 52K10F (52KF11)
- Alloy 52K11F (52KFV)
- Alloy 52K12F (52KFB)
- Alloy 52K13F (52KFA)
- Alloy 52K5F (52KF5)
- Alloy 52K7F (52KF7)
- Alloy 52K9F (52KF9)
- Alloy 52KF
- Alloy 52KFTM
- Alloy 5X14V (5XV14)
- Alloy EB6
- Alloy EX3
- Alloy EX5K5
- Alloy EX9K15M2
- Alloy UNDK24
Precision alloy with a specified TKHR
- Alloy 18KhMTF
- Alloy 18KhTF
- Alloy 29NK (29NK-VI)
- Alloy 30NKD (30NKD-VI)
- Alloy 31NH3G (EP545)
- Alloy 32NK (EP475)
- Alloy 32NKD (EI630A)
- Alloy 32NKh3 (EP546)
- Alloy 33NK (33NK-VI)
- Alloy 33HX3 (EP547)
- Alloy 34NKD
- Alloy 35NKG (EK53)
- Alloy 35NKT
- Alloy 36H
- Alloy 36NH (EP713)
- Alloy 38NKD (38NKD-VI)
- Alloy 39H
- Alloy 40K27KhNM with tantalum
- Alloy 42H (EP318; 42NA)
- Alloy 42NA-VI (EP333)
- Alloy 47H3X
- Alloy 47ND (47ND-VI)
- Alloy 47NH (EI563)
- Alloy 47NHR
- Alloy 48NH (EI693)
- Alloy 52H (EI676; 52H-VI)
- Alloy 58H (EI792)
- Alloy 80HMV (80HMVX3)
- Precision alloy, thermo-metal components
Precision alloy with specified elasticity properties
- Alloy 12KhNKMTU (SP22)
- Alloy 17KhNGT (EI814)
- Alloy 21NKMT (VES-130)
- Alloy 36NKhTU (EI702)
- Alloy 36NKhTU5M (EP51)
- Alloy 36NKhTYu8M (EP52)
- Alloy 36KhNTU (EI702)
- Alloy 40KHMVTU
- Alloy 40KHNM (EI995)
- Alloy 42NKHTU (42NKHTUA)
- Alloy 42NKhTUA (H41KhTA)
- Alloy 44NCTU
- Alloy 45NHT (EP218)
- Alloy 46NKhT (EP619)
- Alloy 68NKHVKTU (EP578)
- Alloy 95NLVF (EI996V)
- Alloy 95NLM (EI996M)
- Alloy 97NL (EI996)
Precision alloy with high electrical resistance
- Alloy H50K10
- Alloy H50XL
- Alloy Н80ХЮД-VI (Н80ХЮД)
- Alloy Kh13Yu4 (EI60)
- Alloy X15H60
- Alloy Kh15N60-H
- Alloy Kh15N60-N-VI
- Alloy X15Yu5
- Alloy Kh20H73YUM-VI
- Alloy Kh20H80
- Alloy Kh20H80-H
- Alloy Kh20H80-N-VI
- Alloy Kh23Yu5 (EI595)
- Alloy Х23Ю5А (0Х23Ю5А)
- Alloy X23Yu5T
- Alloy Kh25H20 (EP74)
- Alloy Х27Ю5А (0Х27Ю5А)
- Alloy Kh27Yu5T (EI626)
- Alloy X40H60
- Alloy CrN20YUS (EC11)
- Alloy KhN70Yu-N
- Non-magnetic alloy
- Other precision alloy
Magnetically soft precision alloy
Cast iron
- Cast iron
- Redesigned pig iron
- Grey cast iron with lamellar graphite
- Ductile iron
- Low-alloy cast iron
High-alloy cast iron
- Cast iron 250X25NT
- Cast iron 250X25T
- Cast iron 300X12ML
- Cast iron 300X32H2M2TL
- 320X20H cast iron
- Cast iron 340Cr18NiML
- Cast iron ICH300Cr18G3
- Cast iron ICHX12M
- Cast iron IChX23FL
- Cast iron IChX28H2
- Cast iron CHG6S3SH
- ChG7X4 cast iron
- ChG8D3 cast iron
- Cast iron CHN11G7SH
- Cast iron CHN15D3Sh
- Cast iron CHN15D7
- ChN17D3X2 cast iron (ZhCh-1)
- Cast iron CHN19Kh3SH
- Cast iron CHN20D2SH
- Cast iron CHN4X2
- Cast iron CHN5G6D4SH
- ChS13 cast iron
- ChS15 cast iron
- ChS15M4 cast iron
- ChS17 cast iron
- ChS17M3 cast iron
- ChC16 cast iron
- ChC16M2 cast iron
- Cast iron CHX22
- ChKh22S cast iron
- Cast iron CHX28
- Cast iron CHX28D2
- ChKh28P cast iron
- Cast iron CHX32
- Cr9H5 cast iron
- ChU22Sh cast iron
- ChU30 cast iron
- ChU6C5 cast iron
- ChU7X2 cast iron
- Antifriction cast iron
High-nickel cast iron
- L-Ni35 cast iron
- L-NiCr20-2 cast iron
- L-NiCr20-3 cast iron
- L-NiCr30-3 cast iron
- L-NiCuCr15-6-2 cast iron
- L-NiCuCr15-6-3 cast iron
- L-NiMn13-7 cast iron
- L-NiSiCr20-5-3 cast iron
- L-NiSiCr30-5-5 cast iron
- S-Ni22 cast iron
- S-Ni35 cast iron
- S-NiCr20-2 cast iron
- S-NiCr20-3 cast iron
- S-NiCr30-1 cast iron
- S-NiCr30-3 cast iron
- S-NiCr35-3 cast iron
- S-NiMn13-7 cast iron
- S-NiMn23-4 cast iron
- S-NiSiCr20-5-2 cast iron
- S-NiSiCr30-5-5 cast iron
- Cast iron CHN5G8 (GN8-5)
- Cast iron CHN
- Spheroidal cast iron
- Cast iron with vermicular graphite for castings
Aluminum, aluminum alloy
- Primary aluminum
- Technical aluminum
- Aluminum for deoxidation
Aluminum casting alloy
- Alloy AK10M2H
- Alloy AK10Su
- Alloy AK12 (AL2)
- Alloy AK12M2 (AK11M2)
- Alloy AK12M2MgN (AL25)
- Alloy AK12MMgN (AL30)
- Alloy AK13
- Alloy AK18
- Alloy AK21M2.5H2.5 (VKZHLS-2)
- Alloy AK5M (AL5)
- Alloy AK5M2
- Alloy AK5M4
- Alloy AK5M7
- Alloy AK5Mh (AL5-1)
- Alloy AK6M2
- Alloy AK7
- Alloy AK7M2
- Alloy AK7pch (AL9-1)
- Alloy AK7C9 (AL11)
- Alloy AK7h (AL9)
- Alloy AK8L (AL34)
- Alloy AK8M (AL32)
- Alloy AK8M3
- Alloy AK8M3h (VAL8)
- Alloy AK9 (AL4V)
- Alloy AK9M2
- Alloy AK9pch (AL4-1)
- Alloy AK9s
- Alloy AK9C6 (AK9C6r)
- Alloy AK9h (AL4)
- Alloy AL1
- Alloy AL18 (AL18B)
- Alloy AL21
- Alloy AL4M
- Alloy AL4MK
- Alloy AL4MS
- Alloy AL6
- Alloy AL7
- Alloy AL8
- Alloy AM4.5Kd (VAL10)
- Alloy AM5 (AL19)
- Alloy AMg10 (AL27)
- Alloy AMg10h (AL27-1)
- Alloy AMg11 (AL22)
- Alloy AMg4K1.5M (AMg4K1.5M1)
- Alloy AMg5K (AL13)
- Alloy AMg5Mz (AL28)
- Alloy AMg6L (AL23)
- Alloy AMg6lch (AL23-1)
- Alloy AMg7 (AL29)
- Alloy AMO7-3
- Alloy AC4Mg (AL24)
- Alloy ACRIV
- Alloy B124
- Alloy B2616
- Alloy BAL10
- Alloy VAL11
- Alloy VAL12
- Alloy VAL14
- Alloy VAL16
- Alloy VAL18
- Alloy ŽLS
- Alloy KS740
- Alloy KS741
Wrought aluminum alloy
- Alloy 01311C
- Alloy 1105
- Alloy 1151
- Alloy 1161
- Alloy 1163
- Alloy 1201
- Alloy 1205
- Alloy 1213
- Alloy 1215
- Alloy 1320
- Alloy 1370
- Alloy 1420 (01420)
- Alloy 1424
- Alloy 1430
- Alloy 1440
- Alloy 1441
- Alloy 1450
- Alloy 1531
- Alloy 1541
- Alloy 1541pc
- Alloy 1543
- Alloy 1577
- Alloy 1905
- Alloy 1911
- Alloy 1915
- Alloy 1925
- Alloy 1931
- Alloy 1933
- Alloy 1935
- Alloy 1953
- Alloy 1955
- Alloy 1973
- Alloy 1980 (B48-4)
- Alloy 1985h
- Alloy 8011
- Alloy 8011A
- Alloy 8111
- Alloy A1Mg1M1
- Alloy ABT101 (1901)
- Alloy ABT102 (1903)
- Alloy AB (1340)
- Alloy AVD1
- Alloy AVD1-1
- ABE Alloy
- Alloy AD1pl
- Alloy AD31 (1310)
- Alloy AD31E (1310E)
- Alloy AD33 (1330)
- Alloy AD35 (1350)
- Alloy AW
- Alloy AZh0.6
- Alloy AZh0.8
- Alloy AZh1
- Alloy AK10 (SvAK10)
- AK12D alloy
- Alloy AK4 (1140)
- Alloy AK4-1 (1141)
- Alloy AK4-2 (1143)
- Alloy AK5
- Alloy AK6 (1360)
- Alloy AK6-1
- Alloy AK8 (1380)
- AKM Alloy
- Alloy AKCM
- Alloy AM4
- Alloy AMg0.5 (1505)
- Alloy AMg0,5pc
- Alloy AMg0.7
- Alloy AMG1 (1510)
- Alloy AMg1.5
- Alloy AMg2 (1520)
- Alloy AMg2.5
- Alloy AMg3 (1530)
- Alloy AMg3.5
- Alloy AMg3S
- Alloy AMg4 (1540)
- Alloy AMg4.5
- Alloy AMg5 (1550)
- Alloy AMg5P (1557)
- Alloy AMg6 (1560)
- Alloy AMg61 (1561)
- Alloy AMg61H (1561H)
- Alloy AMg63 (СвАМг63)
- Alloy AMg65
- Alloy AMSH1
- Alloy AMSH2
- Alloy AMZ (1400)
- Alloy AMTS (1401)
- Alloy AMSh1 (AMSh-1)
- Alloy APBA-1 (1551)
- Alloy ACpl
- Alloy B-1341
- Alloy B-1461
- Alloy B-1469
- Alloy B-1963
- Alloy B48P
- Alloy B65 (1165)
- Alloy B91 (1913)
- Alloy B92 (1920)
- Alloy B93 (B93pch; 1930)
- Alloy B94 (1940)
- Alloy B95 (1950)
- Alloy B95-1
- Alloy B95-2
- Alloy B95och
- Alloy B95P (1957)
- Alloy B95pch
- Alloy B96C (1960)
- Alloy B96C1
- Alloy B96C3 (1965-1)
- Alloy VD1
- Alloy VD17 (1170)
- Alloy D1 (1110)
- Alloy D12 (1521)
- Alloy D16 (1160)
- Alloy D16P (1167)
- Alloy D18 (1180)
- Alloy D19 (1190)
- Alloy D19P (1197)
- Alloy D19h
- Alloy D1P (1117)
- Alloy D20 (1200)
- Alloy D21 (1210)
- Alloy D23 (WAD23; 1230)
- Alloy D24 (VAD1; 1191)
- Alloy K48-1
- Alloy K48-2 (1941)
- Alloy K48-2pch (1943)
- Alloy K48P
- Alloy M40
- Alloy MM (1403)
- Alloy SAB1
- Alloy SAW2
- Alloy SAB6
- Alloy SAB9
- Alloy SIL 1C
- Alloy SIL 2S
- Aluminum antifriction alloy
- Aluminum sub-alloy
- Aluminum sintered alloy
Copper, copper alloy
- Copper
Copper-nickel alloy
- Castolin Alloy
- Alloy MN0.6 (Alloy TP)
- Alloy MN10
- Alloy MN15
- Alloy MH16 (Alloy TB)
- Alloy MH17 (Alloy B)
- Alloy MN19 (Melchior)
- Alloy MN2.15
- Alloy MN23
- Alloy MN25
- Alloy MN45 (Constantan)
- Alloy MN6
- Alloy MN95-5
- Alloy MNA13-3 (Kunial A)
- Alloy MNA6-1.5 (Kunial B)
- Alloy MNAZHMZ6-0.8-0.8-0.6 (BS-3)
- Alloy MNAKH11-2,5-1,0-0,8 (Alloy 131)
- Alloy MNAHMC15-3,5-2-3 (Alloy 538)
- Alloy MNAHMc20-4-3-4 (Alloy 546; Camelon)
- Alloy MNAXMZ4,5-4,5-0,7-2,5 (Kamelin)
- Alloy MNZh5-1
- Alloy MNZh9.3-0.5 (Menigel)
- Alloy MNZHKT5-1-0,2-0,2
- Alloy MNZHMZ10-1-1
- Alloy MNZHMZ30-1-1
- Alloy MNMts3-12 (Manganin)
- Alloy MNMts4.5-1.5 (Alloy A)
- Alloy MNMts40-1.5 (Constantan)
- Alloy MNMts43-0.5 (Kopel)
- Alloy MNMts5-3.7
- Alloy MNMz60-20-20
- Alloy MNMts68-4-2
- Alloy MNMtsAZh3-12-0.25-0.2
- Alloy MNMtsAZh3-12-0,3-0,3 (Manganin)
- Alloy MNMtsAZhVTNb40-2-1,5-1,4 (MN40S)
- Alloy MNMZh40-1,4-0,45
- Alloy MNTs12-24
- Alloy MNTs15-20 (Neusilber)
- Alloy MNTs18-20
- Alloy MNC18-27
- Alloy MNTS16-29-1.8
- Alloy Neusilber 30
- Alloy NK
- Alloy NK2.4 (Cilin)
- Alloy HM25
- Alloy NM40A
- Alloy NM60A
- Alloy NMZhMz28-2,5-1,5
- Alloy NMMKZhMC30-4-2-1 (VKM)
- Alloy NMMZTA26-1,5-1,1-0,5
- Alloy NMCAT3-1,5-0,6
- Alloy NMCATC1-1,5-2,5-0,15
- Alloy NHC9-0.9 (Silch)
- Alloy Alloy 273
- Heat resistant copper alloy
- Copper-phosphoric alloy
Copper special alloy
- Alloy Aurora
- Alloy MA0.8 (Meal)
- Alloy MGr0.10-2.8V (Alloy 698)
- Alloy MGrK4-2.5V (Alloy 570)
- Alloy MGrN10-1.5V (Alloy 702)
- Alloy MGrN5-2.5V (Alloy 507)
- Alloy MGrOB10-1-0.1 (Alloy 417)
- Alloy MGrOB10-1-0.1U
- Alloy MGrOZhKo10-1-0.1 (Alloy 483)
- Alloy MK0.2
- Alloy ML0.2
- Alloy МН2,5КоКрХ
- Alloy MS
- Alloy MSr0.1
- Alloy MSr1
- Alloy MTNZhK20-5-0,1-0,1
- Alloy MtsFZh24-6-0.75 (PrMtsFZh24-6-0.75)
- Copper-based ligature
- Copper-based solder
Nickel, nickel alloy
- Primary nickel
- Semifinished nickel
- Nickel alloy
Low-alloy nickel alloy
- Alloy Alunik 7-1
- Alloy HB3
- Alloy HB3v
- Alloy HB6V
- Alloy NVJAK5,5-0,8-0,8-1 (NIVO-6)
- Alloy NVMg3-0,05v
- Alloy NVMg3-0,08v
- Alloy NVMg3v
- Alloy NVMg6v
- Alloy Nicosi
- Alloy NK0.04
- Alloy NK0.2E
- Alloy NKa0.07 (NIKA-1)
- Alloy NKa0.13 (NIKA-2)
- Alloy NKaB0,15-0,5
- Alloy NKoZHKT19-1,9-1,5-0,4
- Alloy NMg
- Alloy HMg0.05v
- Alloy HMg0.08v
- Alloy HMg0.1
- Alloy NMC
- Alloy NMoPe15-10
- Alloy HE1
Heat resistant nickel-based alloy
- Alloy 03X20H45M4BRZ (ChS43)
- Alloy 03Х20Н45М4БЧ (ChS42)
- Alloy 10X20H77TU
- Alloy 3MI3U
- Alloy 50H3CU (EP967)
- Alloy 50H6MFA
- Alloy 58NHVKTBU (EP877; ХН58VCBTU)
- Alloy 67H26M (EI639; NIMO-25)
- Alloy VZhL1
- Alloy VZHL12U
- Alloy VZHL12E
- Alloy VZHL14H (VZHL14)
- Alloy VZHL16
- Alloy VZhL18
- Alloy VZHL2
- Alloy BC4L
- Alloy BC4LM
- Alloy BC9L
- Alloy ZhS16
- Alloy ZhS3
- Alloy ZhS30
- Alloy ZhS6KP
- Alloy ZhS6U
- Alloy H70M (EP495)
- Alloy H95G (EP18)
- Alloy H95S3Yu (EP711)
- Alloy Kh15N60Yu3A (EP548)
- Alloy KhN45MVTYUBR (EP718)
- Alloy KhN50VMTKFY (EP57)
- Alloy KhN50VMTYUB (EP648)
- Alloy KhN50KVMTYUB (BB750)
- Alloy KhN51KVMTYUB (EP741NP)
- Alloy KhN51MTYUKFR (EP220)
- Alloy KhN52KVMTYUB (EP975P)
- Alloy KhN53KVMTYUB (EP741P)
- Alloy KhN54KVMTYUB (EP962P)
- Alloy KhN55VMTKU (EI929)
- Alloy KhN55VMTFKU (EI929)
- Alloy KhN55MBYu (KhN63M9B2u; EP666)
- Alloy KhN55MVTs (ChS57)
- Alloy KhN55MVU (EP454)
- Alloy KhN56VMKU (EP109)
- Alloy KhN56VMTU (EP199; VZh101)
- Alloy KhN56MBYUD (EK62)
- Alloy KhN57VKYUTMBL (ZhS6)
- Alloy KhN57MKYUVTBR (EP958)
- Alloy KhN57MTVU (EP590)
- Alloy KhN58VMKYR (EP238)
- Alloy KhN58MBYu (EK171; VZH159)
- Alloy KhN58MBYUD (EK61)
- Alloy KhN59VG (EK82)
- Alloy KhN60KVYUMB (EP957)
- Alloy CrN60KMYUBVTF (EP962)
- Alloy KhN60KMYUVTB (EC9)
- Alloy KhN60M (EP367; 06Kh15N60M1)
- Alloy KhN60MVTU (EP487)
- Alloy KhN60MYUVT (EP539)
- Alloy CrN62BMVY (EP709)
- Alloy KhN62BMKTU (EP742)
- Alloy KhN62VMKU (EI867)
- Alloy KhN62VMYUT (EP708)
- Alloy KhN62MVKYu (EI867)
- Alloy CrN65VBMYu (EP902)
- Alloy CrN65VMMBU (EP914; VZH131)
- Alloy KhN65VMTU (EI893)
- Alloy CrN65VMYUTL (EI893L)
- Alloy KhN65KMVYUB (EP800)
- Alloy KhN66VMTYUB (EI698MP; VZH136)
- Alloy KhN67VMTU (EP202; KhN67MVTU)
- Alloy KhN67MBYu (EP782)
- Alloy KhN68VMTYUK (EP693)
- Alloy KhN70 (EI442)
- Alloy KhN70VMTU (EI617)
- Alloy CrN70VMTUF (EI826; CrN70VMTUF)
- Alloy CrN70VMFTU (EI826)
- Alloy KhN70VMYUT (EI765)
- Alloy KhN70MVTYUB (EI598)
- Alloy KhN70MVU (EI828)
- Alloy KhN71MTYUB (EI698P)
- Alloy KhN73MBTU (EI698)
- Alloy CrN75VMFU (EI827)
- Alloy KhN75VMU (EI827)
- Alloy KhN75TBU (EI869)
- Alloy KhN77TUR (EI437B)
- Alloy KhN77TURU (EI437BU)
- Alloy KhN80 (EI334)
- Alloy KhN80TBY (EI607; KhN80T1BY (EI607A))
- Alloy CNK7
- Alloy ChS104
- Alloy ChS70
- Alloy EP539LMU
- Corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloy
- Nickel-based solder
Tin bronze casting
- Bronze БрО10С10 (БрОС10-10)
- Bronze БрО10С2Н3 (БрОСН10-2-3)
- Bronze БрО10Ф0,7Н0,5 (БрОФН10-0,7-0,5)
- Bronze БрО10Ф1 (БрОФ10-1)
- Bronze БрО10Ц2 (БрОЦ10-2)
- Bronze БрО10Ц2Н1,5 (БрОЦН10-2-1,5)
- Bronze БрО10Ц2Н2 (БрОЦН10-2-2)
- Bronze БрО16С5 (БрОС16-5)
- Bronze BrO19
- Bronze БрО3,5Ц7С5
- Bronze БрО3Ц12С5 (БрОЦС3-12-5)
- Bronze БрО3Ц13С4 (БрОЦС3-13-4)
- Bronze БрО3Ц6С5 (БрОЦС3-6-5)
- Bronze БрО3Ц7С5Н1 (БрОЦСН3-7-5-1)
- Bronze БрО3Ц8С4Н1 (БрОЦСН3-8-4-1)
- Bronze БрО4Ц4С17 (БрОЦС4-4-17)
- Bronze БрО4Ц7С5 (БрОЦС3,5-7-5)
- Bronze БрО4Ц8С5
- Bronze БрО5С25 (БрОС5-25)
- Bronze БрО5Ц5С5 (БрОЦС5-5-5)
- Bronze БрО5Ц6С5 (БрОЦС5-6-5)
- Bronze БрО6К2Ц1
- Bronze БрО6С6Ц3
- Bronze БрО6Ц4С2Н1 (БрОЦСН6-4-2-1)
- Bronze БрО6Ц6С2х (БрОЦС6-6-2х)
- Bronze БрО6Ц6С3 (БрОЦС6-6-3)
- Bronze БрО8Н4Ц2 (БрОНЦ8,5-4-2)
- Bronze БрО8С12 (БрОС8-12)
- Bronze БрО8С21 (БрОС8-21)
- Bronze БрО8Ц4 (БрОЦ8-4)
- Tin bronze, machined by pressure
Tin-free bronze casting
- Bronze БрА10Ж3 (БрВАЖ9-4)
- Bronze БрААЖ3Мц2 (БрАЖМц10-3-2)
- Bronze БрА10Ж3р (БрВАЖ9-4Л)
- Bronze БрАЖ10Ж4Н4Л (БрАЖН10-4-4Л)
- Bronze БрАА10Мц2Л (БрАМц10-2Л)
- Bronze БрАЖ6Н6 (БрАЖН11-6-6)
- Bronze БрА7Ж1,5С1,5
- Bronze БрА7Ж2,5Н1,5МП9
- Bronze БрА7Мц14Ж3Н2
- Bronze БрА7Мц15Ж3Н2Ц2 (Neva-70)
- Bronze БрА7Н4Ж2Л
- Bronze БрААЖ9Ж3Л (БрАЖ9-4Л)
- Bronze БрА9Ж4Н4 (БрАЖН9-4-4)
- Bronze БрА9Ж4Н4Мц1 (БрАЖНМц9-4-4-1)
- Bronze БрА9Мц2Л (БрАМц9-2Л)
- Bronze БрО1С22 (БрОС1-22)
- Bronze BrS30
- Bronze BrS3C30 (BrSS3-30)
- Bronze BrS60H2,5
- Bronze BrSu3NTs3C20K0.6F0.2 (VB23NTsK)
- BrSu3N3C3S20F bronze
- Bronze BrSu3NTs3C20F0.2 (VB23NTs)
- Bronze BrSu4N5C3C20F0.3 (VBr2)
- Bronze BrSu6N2Ts1 (VB24H)
- Bronze BrSu6C12F0.3 (VB23)
- Bronze BrSu6F0.9 (VB24)
- Bronze VBr3
Tin-free bronze, machined by pressure
- Bronze БрАЖ1,5 (БрАЖ10-1,5)
- Bronze БрААЖ3Мц1,5 (БрАЖМц10-3-1,5)
- Bronze БрААЖ10Ж4Н4 (БрАЖН10-4-4)
- Bronze БрАА10Мц2 (БрАМц10-2)
- Bronze BrA5
- Bronze БрА6Мг1 (БрАМг6-1)
- Bronze BrA7
- Bronze БрА8,5Ж4Н5Мц1,5 (БрАЖНМц8,5-4-5-1,5)
- Bronze БрАА9Ж4 (БрАЖ9-4)
- Bronze БрА9Мц2 (БрАМц9-2)
- Bronze БрБ1,7НТ (БрБНТ1,7)
- Bronze БрБ1,9НТ (БрБНТ1,9)
- Bronze БрБ1,9НТМг (БрБНТ1,9Мг)
- Bronze BrB2
- Bronze BrB2,5
- Bronze БрК0,4Х0,6Кo1,6 (БрКХКo0,4-0,6-1,6)
- Bronze BrK1H3 (BrKN1-3)
- Bronze БрК3Мц1 (БрКМц3-1)
- Bronze BrKd0,5X0,15 (BrKdX0,5-0,15)
- Bronze BrKd1
- BrKo3Mts10 (BrKoMts3-10) bronze
- Bronze BrMg0.03Cr0.035 (BrMgCr0.03-0.035)
- Bronze BrMg0,3
- Bronze BrMg0,5
- Bronze BrMg0,8
- Bronze BrMc12A8Zh3N2 (BrMcAzHN12-8-3-2)
- Bronze BrMc5
- Bronze BrN1,5Kr0,5 (BrNKr1,5-0,5)
- Bronze BrN10,5A0,5 (BrNA10,5-0,5)
- Bronze БрН2,5Х0,7К0,6 (БрНХК2,5-0,7-0,6)
- Bronze БрН5Мц2Т0,1 (БрНМцТ5-2-0,1)
- BrNTsr bronze
- Bronze BrSr0,1
- Bronze БрТ5Х0,5 (БрТХ5-0,5)
- Bronze БрХ0,2Нб0,1 (Alloy 204А; БрХНб0,2-0,1)
- Bronze БрХ0,3Цр0,09 (БрХЦр0,3-0,09)
- Bronze БрХ0,4Ко0,4Кр0,2Мг0,04 (Alloy №50)
- Bronze БрХ0,4Нб0,25 (Alloy 204; БрХНб0,4-0,25)
- Bronze БрХ0,5В0,2Цр0,2 (ХВЦр0,5-0,2-0,2)
- Bronze БрХ0,6Т0,5 (БрХТ0,6-0,5)
- Bronze БрХ0,6Цр0,05 (БрХЦр0,6-0,05)
- BrCr0.7 bronze
- Bronze БрХ0,8
- Bronze BrX1
- Bronze BrC1Cr
- Bronze BrChNb
- Bronze BrCNT
- Bronze BrCrK
- Bronze BrCrTV
- Bronze BrCr0,2
- Bronze BrCr0,3
- Bronze BrCr0,4
- Bronze BrCr0.7
- Bronze БрА9Ж4Н4Мц1 (БрАЖНМц9-4-4-1)
Tin bronze casting
Copper-zinc alloy
- Copper zinc solder
Cast brass
- Brass LA
- Brass LAMZ (LAMZ66-6-3-2)
- Brass LC
- Brass LK1
- Brass LK2
- LKS Brass
- Brass LMZh
- Brass LMZKA
- Brass LMZS (LMZS58-2-2)
- Brass LMZSC
- Brass LMZSCA
- Brass VOC
- LS Brass
- LSd brass
- Brass LSdh
- Brass LSch
- Brass LC10 (L90L)
- Brass ЛЦ14К3С3
- Brass ЛЦ16К4 (LK80-3L)
- Brass LC23A6Zh3Mz2
- Brass ЛЦ25С2
- Brass LC30A3 (LA67-2,5)
- Brass ЛЦ37Мц2С2К
- Brass ЛЦ38Мц2С2
- Brass LC40AJ
- Brass ЛЦ40Мц1,5 (ЛМц58-2L)
- Brass ЛЦ40Мц3А
- Brass ЛЦ40Мц3Ж (ЛМцЖ55-3-1)
- Brass LC40S (LS59-1L)
- Brass ЛЦ40Сd (ЛС59-1ЛД)
Pressure-treated brass
- Brass L59
- Brass L60
- Brass L63
- Brass L66
- Brass L68
- Brass L70
- Brass L72
- Brass L75mk
- Brass L80
- Brass L85
- Brass L90
- Brass L96
- Brass LA77-2
- Brass LA77-2u
- Brass LA85-0.5
- Brass LAJ60-1-1 (LAJ60-1-1L)
- Brass LAZHMTS52-2-1-1,5-1
- Brass LAMsh77-2-0,04
- Brass LAMSh77-2-0,05
- Brass LAN59-3-2
- Brass LANKMZ 75-2-2,5-0,5-0,5 (alloy 156)
- Brass LAF94-0,5-0,15
- Brass LZMc59-1-1
- Brass LZhS58-1-1
- Brass LC62-0.5
- Brass LK75B
- Brass LCAN80-1-1,9-5,8
- Brass ЛКАНМЦ75-2-2,5-0,5-0,5
- Brass LCBO62-0,2-0,04-0,5
- Brass LKS65-1,5-3
- Brass LMZ58-2
- Brass LMZA57-3-1
- Brass LMzAJKS70-7-5-2-2-1
- Brass LMZh57-1,5-0,75
- Brass LMtsKA58-2-1-1
- Brass LMtsKNS58-3-1,5-1,5-1
- Brass LMtsKNSA58-3-1,5-1,5-1
- Brass LMtsSKa58-2-2-1-1
- Brass LMsh68-0,05
- Brass LN65-5
- Brass LNKMts49-10-0,3-0,2
- Brass LNKoMts49-9-0,2-0,2
- Brass ЛНМц60-9-5
- Brass LO60-1
- Brass LO62-1
- Brass LO70-1
- Brass LO90-1
- Brass LOK59-1-0.3
- Brass LOMNA49-0,5-10-0,4-0,4
- Brass Lomsh70-1-0.04
- Brass Lomsh70-1-0.05
- Brass LS58-2
- Brass LS58-3
- Brass LS59-1
- Brass LS59-1B
- Brass LS59-2
- Brass LS60-1
- Brass LS63-3
- Brass LS64-2
- Brass LS74-3
Titanium, titanium alloy
- Titanium sponge
- Titanium technical
- Titanium casting alloy
Titanium wrought alloy
- Alloy 14
- Alloy 19
- Alloy 27
- Alloy 2B
- Alloy 37
- Alloy 3M
- Alloy 40
- Alloy 5B
- Alloy AT3
- Alloy AT6
- Alloy VT14
- Alloy VT15
- Alloy VT16
- Alloy VT18
- Alloy VT18U
- Alloy VT2 (VT2sv.)
- Alloy VT20
- Alloy VT20-1 (VT20-1sv.)
- Alloy VT20-2 (VT20-2sv.)
- Alloy VT22
- Alloy VT22I
- Alloy VT23
- Alloy VT25U
- Alloy VT3-1
- Alloy VT32
- Alloy VT35
- Alloy VT4
- Alloy VT41
- Alloy VT5
- Alloy VT5-1
- Alloy VT6 (VT6sv.)
- Alloy VT6C
- Alloy VT6h
- Alloy VT8
- Alloy VT8-1
- Alloy VT8M-1
- Alloy VT9
- OT4 alloy
- Alloy OT4-0
- Alloy OT4-1
- Alloy OT4-2
- Alloy PT-1M
- Alloy PT-3B
- Alloy PT-7M
- Alloy SPT-2
- Alloy TC5
- Alloy TC6
Magnesium, magnesium alloy
- Magnesium primary
- Magnesium casting alloy
- Magnesium wrought alloy
- Magnesium-lithium ultra-light alloy
- Magnesium alloy with special properties
- Magnesium charge alloy
Zinc, zinc alloy
- Zinc primary
- Zinc casting alloy
- Zinc wrought alloy
- Zinc antifriction alloy
- Zinc
Tin, tin alloy
- Tin
- Tin babbitt
- Tin-based solder
- Tin alloy
Lead, lead alloy
- Lead
- Lead babbitt
- Calcium babbitt
- Lead-antimony alloy
Lead-based solder
- Solder PIC10
- Solder PIC30
- Solder PIC40
- Solder POSK2-18
- Solder PSSu10-2
- Solder POSSU15-2
- Solder POSSU18-0,5
- Solder POSSU18-2
- Solder PSSu25-0,5
- Solder PSSu25-2
- Solder PSSu30-0,5
- Solder PSSu30-2
- Solder POSSU35-0,5
- Solder POSSU35-2
- Solder PSSu4-4
- Solder PSSu4-6
- Solder PSSu40-0,5
- Solder PSSu40-2
- Solder PSSu5-1
- Solder PSSu8-3
Other metals and alloys
- Cobalt
- Iridium
- Osmium
- Rhodium
- Ruthenium
- Gallium
- India
- Antimony
- Selenium
- Bismuth
- Cadmium
- Tellurium
- Thallium
- Silicon and silicon alloys
- Hafnium
- Mercury
- Lithium
- Tungsten and tungsten alloys
- Hard alloy
Molybdenum, molybdenum alloy
- Molybdenum
- Molybdenum alloy
- Molybdenum-copper alloy
- Niobium, niobium alloy
Gold and gold alloys
Gold Alloy
- Alloy ZLM 58.3 (ZLM 583)
- Alloy ZLM 90 (ZLM 900)
- Alloy ZLM 91.6 (ZLM 916)
- Alloy ZLM 98 (ZLM 980)
- Alloy ZlMNTs 75-12,5-10-2,5 (ZlMNTs-12,5-10-2,5)
- Alloy ZlN 95 (ZlN-5)
- Alloy ZlNM 7,7-1,5
- Alloy ZlNTsM 58.5-12.5-4 (ZlNTsM 585-125-40)
- Alloy ZlNTSM 75-7,5-2,5 (ZlNTSM 750-75-25)
- Alloy ZlPd 60-40 (ZlPd-40)
- Alloy ZlPd 80-20 (ZlPd-20)
- Alloy ZlPd 84-16 (ZlPd-16)
- Alloy ZlPdPl 60-30-10 (ZlPdPl-30-10)
- Alloy ZlPl 90-10 (ZlPl-10)
- Alloy ZlPl 93-7 (ZlPl-7)
- Alloy ZlPl 95-5 (ZlPl-5)
- Alloy ZlPl 98-2 (ZlPl-2)
- Alloy ZlSr 58.3-41.7 (ZlSr 583-417)
- Alloy ZlSr 58.5-41.5 (ZlSr 585-415)
- Alloy ZlSr 60-40 (ZlSr 600-400)
- Alloy ZlSr 75-25 (ZlSr 750-250)
- Alloy ZlSr 99-1 (ZlSr 990-10)
- Alloy ZlSrM 33,3-33,4 (ZlSrM 333-333)
- Alloy ZlSrM 37.5-10 (ZlSrM 375-100)
- Alloy ZlSrM 37.5-16 (ZlSrM 375-160)
- Alloy ZlSrM 37.5-2 (ZlSrM 375-20)
- Alloy ZlSrM 37.5-25 (ZlSrM 375-250)
- Alloy ZlSrM 50-10 (ZlSrM 500-100)
- Alloy ZlSrM 50-20 (ZlSrM 500-200)
- Alloy ZlSrM 58.3-20 (ZlSrM 583-200)
- Alloy ZlSrM 58.3-30 (ZlSrM 583-300)
- Alloy ZlSrM 58,3-8 (ZlSrM 583-80)
- Alloy ZlSrM 58.5-20 (ZlSrM 585-200)
- Alloy ZlSrM 58.5-30 (ZlSrM 585-300)
- Alloy ZlSrM 58.5-8 (ZlSrM 585-80)
- Alloy ZlSrM 75-12,5 (ZlSrM 750-125)
- Alloy ZlSrM 75-15 (ZlSrM 750-150)
- Alloy ZlSrM 90-4 (ZlSrM 900-40)
- Alloy ZlSrM 93-4,5 (ZlSrM 930-45)
- Alloy ZlSrM 95.8-2 (ZlSrM 958-20)
- Alloy ZlSrM 95-2,5 (ZlSrM 950-25)
- Alloy ZlSrM 96-3 (ZlSrM 960-30)
- Alloy ZlSrM 97-2 (ZlSrM 970-20)
- Alloy ZlSrM 98-1.5 (ZlSrM 980-15)
- Alloy ZlSrM 99-0.5 (ZlSrM 990-5)
- Alloy ZlSrNTs 75-15-7,5 (ZlSrNTs 750-150-75)
- Alloy ZlSrNtsM 58,5-8-8,2-2,5 (ZlSrNtsM 585-80-82-25)
- Alloy ZlSrPd 58.5-25.5-16 (ZlSrPd 585-255-160)
- Alloy ZlSrPd 75-10-15 (ZlSrPd 750-100-150)
- Alloy ZlSrPdKd 58.5-28-10 (ZlSrPdKd 585-280-100)
- Alloy ZlSrPdM 37.5-10-3.8 (ZlSrPdM 375-100-38)
- Alloy ZlSrPdN 75-7-14 (ZlSrPdN 750-70-140)
- Alloy ZlSrPdN 75-9-14 (ZlSrPdN 750-90-140)
- Alloy ZlSrPdNKd 75-9-8,5-4 (ZlSrPdNKd 750-90-85-40)
- Alloy ZlSrPdC 58.5-28.7-10 (ZlSrPdC 585-287-100)
- Alloy ZlSrPlM 75-8-9 (ZlSrPlM 750-80-90)
- Gold
Gold Alloy
Palladium and palladium alloys
- Palladium alloy
- Palladium
Platinum and platinum alloys
Platinum alloy
- Alloy PlI 70-30 (PlI-30)
- Alloy PlI 75-25 (PlI-25)
- Alloy PlI 80-20 (PlI 800-200; PlI-20)
- Alloy PlI 82.5-17.5 (PlI-17.5)
- Alloy PlI 85-15 (PlI-15)
- Alloy PlI 90-10 (PlI 900-100; PlI-10)
- Alloy PlI 95-5 (PlI 950-50; PlI-5)
- Alloy PlM 90 (PlM-10; PlM 900-100)
- Alloy PlM 91.5 (PlM-8.5)
- Alloy PlM 95 (PlM-5; PlM 950-50)
- Alloy PlM 97.5 (PlM-2.5)
- Alloy PlN 95.5 (PlN-4.5)
- Alloy PlPd 80-20 (PlPd-20)
- Alloy PlPd 85-15 (PlPd-15)
- Alloy PlPd 90-10 (PlPd-10)
- Alloy PlPd 95-5 (PlPd-5; PlPd 950-50)
- Alloy PlPdRd 92.5-4-3.5 (PlPdRd-4-3.5)
- Alloy PlPdRdu 81-15-3,5-0,5 (PlPdRdu-15-3,5-0,5)
- Alloy PlRd 60-40 (PlRd-40)
- Alloy PlRd 70-30 (PlRd-30)
- Alloy PlRd 80-20 (PlRd-20)
- Alloy PlRd 87-13 (PlRd-13; PR-13)
- Alloy PlRd 90-10 (PlRd-10; PR-10)
- Alloy PlRd 92.5-7.5 (PlRd-7.5)
- Alloy PlRd 93-7 (PlRd-7)
- Alloy PlRd 94-6 (PlRd-6; PR-6)
- Alloy PlRd 95-5 (PlRd-5; PlRd 950-50)
- Alloy PlRd 98-2 (PlRd-2)
- Alloy PlRu 90-10 (PlRu-10)
- Alloy PlRu 92-8 (PlRu-8)
- Platinum
Platinum alloy
Silver and silver alloys
Silver alloy
- Alloy SrM 50 (SrM 500)
- Alloy SrM 75 (SrM 750)
- Alloy SrM 77 (SrM 770)
- Alloy SrM 80 (SrM 800)
- Alloy SrM 83 (SrM 830)
- Alloy SrM 87.5 (SrM 875)
- Alloy SrM 90 (SrM 900)
- Alloy SrM 91.6 (SrM 916)
- Alloy SrM 92.5 (SrM 925)
- Alloy SrM 94 (SrM 940)
- Alloy SrM 95 (SrM 950)
- Alloy SrM 96 (SrM 960)
- Alloy SrM 97 (SrM 970)
- Alloy SrPd 60-40 (SrPd-40)
- Alloy SrPd 70-30 (SrPd-30)
- Alloy SrPd 80-20 (SrPd-20)
- Alloy SrPdM 50-30 (SrPdM-30-20)
- Alloy SrPl 88-12 (SrPl-12)
- Alloy SrPl 96-4 (SrPl-4)
- Alloy SSZM-1
- Alloy SSZM-2
- Alloy SSZP-1
- Alloy SSZP-2
- Silver
Silver-bearing solder
- Solder PSr 1
- Solder PSr 1,5
- Solder PSr 10
- Solder PSr 12M
- Solder PSr 15
- Solder PSr 2
- Solder PSr 2.5
- Solder PSr 2.5C
- Solder PSr 25
- Solder PSr 25F
- Solder PSr 3
- Solder PSr 37,5
- Solder PSr 3Kd
- Solder PSr 40
- Solder PSr 45
- Solder PSr 50
- Solder PSr 50Kd
- Solder PSr 62
- Solder PSr 65
- Solder PSr 70
- Solder PSr 71
- Solder PSr 72
- Solder PSrKdM 50-34-16
- Solder PSrMO 5 (VPr-9)
- Solder PSrMO 68-27-5
- Solder PSrMTsKd 45-15-16-24
- Solder PSrO 10-90
- Solder PSrO 3-97
- Solder PSrO 5-40 (VPR-12)
- Solder PSrOS 2-58
- Solder PSrOS 3,5-95
- Solder PSrOS 3-58
- Solder PSrOSu 8 (VPr-6)
Silver alloy
Powder construction material
Iron-based powder material
- Powder material MKV-50A
- Steel PK10-66 (Zh10-66)
- Steel PK10-76 (Zh10-76)
- Steel PK10K0,4-66 (Zh10K0,4-66)
- PK10Kh13M2D4-68 (Zh10Kh13M2D4-69)
- PK10Kh18N15-67 (Zh10Kh18N15-70) steel
- Steel PK20Kh13M2-74 (Zh20Kh13M2-74)
- Steel PK70-66 (Zh70-66)
- Steel PK70-77 (Zh70-77)
- Steel PK70D3-66 (Zh70D3-66)
- Steel PK70D3-69 (Zh70D3-69)
- PK70D3-72 (Zh70D3-72) steel
- Steel PKr10-66 (Zhr10-66)
- PKr10-70 steel (Zhr10-70)
- Steel PKr10-72 (Zhr10-72)
- Steel PKr10-76 (Zhr10-76)
- Steel PKr50-70 (Zhr50-70)
- Steel PKr70-69 (Zhr70-69)
- Steel PKr70-72 (Zhr70-72)
- PKX25-75 steel (ZHX25-75)
- Powder material FMK-11
- Powder material FMK-79
- Powder material FMK-8
- Powder material FMK-845
- X13M2 steel
- X18H15 steel
Copper-based powder material
- Alloy 263
- Alloy BMK-1
- Bronze БрА8,5Ж1,5Н5Мц1,5 (БрАЖНМц8,5-1,5-5-1,5)
- Bronze BrPO10-77
- Bronze BrPO10-86
- BrCr bronze
- Alloy BS-1
- Copper DP-80 (D-80)
- Copper DP-87 (D-87)
- Brass LP80-78 (L80-78)
- Brass LP80-82 (L80-82)
- Brass LP80-84 (L80-84)
- Brass LPSv80-1-78 (LSv80-1-78)
- Brass LPSv80-1-84 (LSv80-1-84)
- Alloy MK-403
- Alloy MK-5
- Solder ПДОл5П7 (ППМОФ 5-5)
- Powdered aluminum-based material
- Molybdenum-based powder material
- Titanium-based powder material
- Powder material based on silicon carbide
Iron-based powder material
Steels and alloys for welding
Steel for welding
- Steel Sv-01Kh12N6M (ChS48)
- Steel Св-01Х19Н18Г10АМ4 (EP690)
- Steel Sv-03GKhN2MD
- Steel Sv-03GKhN3MD
- Steel Sv-03HN3MD
- Sv-04N2GSTA steel
- Sv-04N2GTA steel
- Sv-04N3GMTA steel
- Sv-04N3GSMTA steel
- Steel Sv-04H19H11M3 (H-65)
- Sv-04Cr19Ni (04Cr19N9) steel
- Sv-04H20N10G2B (EP762)
- Sv-06H14GMFBA steel
- Steel Sv-06H15N35G7M6B (EP582)
- Steel Sv-06Х21Н7БТ (EP500)
- Sv-06Cr3G2SmFtu4 steel
- Sv-06Kh8G2SMFtu4 steel
- Steel Sv-07H22H13G5ST (ChS49)
- Steel Sv-07Cr25H13 (H-71)
- Steel Sv-07CGSN3MD
- Steel Sv-07HN3MD
- Sv-08 steel
- Sv-08G1NMT steel
- Sv-08G1S steel
- Sv-08G2SM steel
- Sv-08G2SNMT steel
- Sv-08G2SNTYR steel
- Sv-08GM steel
- Steel Sv-08GN2SMD
- Sv-08GSMT steel
- Steel Sv-08H15N23V7G7M2 (EP88)
- Steel Св-08Х19Н10Г2Б (ЭИ898; Н-89)
- Steel Sv-08X1Du
- Steel Св-08Х20Н9С2БТЮ (EP156)
- Steel Св-08Х25Н20С3Р1 (EP532)
- Steel Sv-08HG2SDU
- Sv-08HN2GMTA steel
- Sv-09HNMTA steel
- Sv-09HNMTAA steel
- Sv-09HN4MDTA steel
- Sv-10HN1MA steel
- Sv-10HN2SMD steel
- Steel Sv-10GN3SMD
- Sv-10GSM steel
- Sv-10Nu steel
- Steel Sv-10Kh16N25AM6 (EI395; H-66)
- Steel Св-10Х16Н25М6АФ (ЗИ112)
- Steel Sv-10H19N11M4F (EP647)
- Sv-10H19H23G2M5FAT (EP868)
- Steel Sv-10Х21Н11ФТ (EP854)
- Sv-10X2M steel
- Sv-10HGSN2MT steel
- Sv-10KhMFTU steel
- Sv-10KhMFTU-A steel
- Sv-12M steel
- Sv-12Kh2NMA steel
- Welding alloy
Steel for welding