Brass rolling GOST

Brass is a well-known alloy of copper and zinc, which can range from 5 to 45%. Brass with 5-20% zinc is called red or tompak, with 20-36% zinc - yellow. Brass with a zinc content over 45% is not used. Zinc is an inexpensive metal. Its introduction into composition increases antifriction, mechanical and technological qualities and simultaneously makes brass cheaper. Therefore, it is possible to buy brass at a much cheaper price than copper. Although zinc reduces the electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of brass, it gives greater strength and corrosion resistance.
Brass Types
Brass is classified by composition of components into simple and special, by chemical composition into single-phase, two-phase and multiphase.
A distinction is made between plainbrass and double brass, which are marked with a letter L and a number that indicates the percentage of copper in the alloy. The zinc content is calculated as the remainder of 100%. Special brasses, or multicomponent brasses, contain additional alloying elements in addition to zinc. Therefore the marking contains additional letters and figures, designating the alloying element and its percentage. Multi-component brass is classified into classes according to the next (after zinc) alloying component.
By chemical composition. Brass is divided into single-phase, two-phase and multiphase. The prevailing majority of simple brasses and some special brasses belong to single-phase (α-phase) and represent a solid alloy of zinc and copper (α-phase), they have the best ductility at all temperatures. Therefore, the single-phase α-brass variant is excellent at both low and high temperatures.
Two-phase brasses include elements of hard and brittle phases (α+β phase), which leads to the limitation of pressure machining, it is possible only at high temperatures. Brittle phases arise with increasing share of alloying components, so the alloying does not exceed 0.5-3%. The phase composition forms the belonging to the classes of cast or deformable brass, determines the properties and the possibility of producing various products.
Flat rolled brass is produced hot-rolled and cold-deformed in the form of strips, foils, plates and sheets of different brass grades. Brass tubes are produced cold-finished or pressed from any grade of brass. Special-purpose pipes are made in accordance with
Basic properties
The main advantages of brass over other alloys are the special mechanical and corrosion properties of brass rolled products. High manufacturability of brass allows to produce almost all types of rolled products. The corrosive properties of brass advantageously distinguish it among copper alloys. However, billets of plain and the majority of special brass in cold-deformed state as well as after machining are subjected to corrosion cracking. The main cause of cracking is the residual tensile stress in the metal and provoking factors in the form of moisture, traces of sulphurous gas and ammonia in the atmosphere. To prevent this phenomenon, products are subjected to low-temperature annealing after completion of machining, which relieves internal stress. It is logical that different types of brass have different degrees of corrosion resistance. The particular resistance of some brass varieties to specific environmental and operating conditions (e.g. aeration, quiescent or flowing conditions, impact) determines their application area.
The scope of application of brass is immense. The type, component and chemical composition determines the price of brass. Before you buy brass, you should clearly define the area of use. In the section on the price of non-ferrous metals you can see our prices.
1. Deformable Brasses.
This type of brass contains a significant proportion of copper (up to 90%), as a result the brass metal has excellent anti-friction, anti-corrosion properties and sufficient ductility. Such brass and steel are easily welded together to form a brass-steel bimetal. The bright golden color of such brass allows its application in the manufacture of artistic products, furniture and window fittings.
Double deformable brass is used for production of the following items: capillary and radiator tubes, heat and chemical equipment, car parts, chemical equipment sleeves, almost all stamped parts and products, bolts, nuts, condenser tubes, thick-walled spigots.
Multicomponent deformable brass is best for manufacturing condenser tubes used in the marine industry, parts for river or sea vessels, chemical and electrical equipment, aircraft parts, bearing inserts. As well as pressure tubes, auto parts, locking and fastening fittings, bolts, nuts, sleeves, parts for watches, matrices for printing equipment, machine parts with high corrosive properties.
Cast brass is especially suitable for clamp nuts and solid worm screws, corrosion resistant parts, cast fittings, bearings, cages and sleeves, critical parts for high temperature applications up to 300°C, automotive connectors for hydraulic systems.
3. Jewelry brass is distinguished by the method of processing and color (so-called granulated brass) light yellow, green, gold and bright yellow.
Buy at a bargain price
Evek GmbH has a wide range of non-ferrous alloys in stock at the best price. Brass rolled products, supplied in wholesale and retail, fully satisfies the demands of our customers. The popularity of products from this alloy is due to the huge variety, excellent quality products, its low cost. All products of our company are manufactured under full control of the process chain, which provides a 100% guarantee of quality. We are ready to deliver products of non-standard parameters on an individual basis. Technological capabilities at the stages of production allow for individual orders in the absence of a basic version of the required type of product. Lead times are minimal. The price depends on the delivery volume and additional terms of realization. Flexible system of discounts for wholesale orders.