L80 - 2.0250 - CuZn20 rod, strip, wire
International Equivalent
General characteristics
Alloyed brass L80 belongs to double deformed brass, as follows from the marking, has a very high percentage of copper in the alloy, about 80%. It differs in a number of pressure treated alloys with good resistance to corrosion. Brass L80 is used to manufacture semi-finished products such as sheet, strip, strip, pipe, wire.
Chemical composition of L80 grade is regulated
Percentage composition of L80 grade (GOST 15 527-2004)
Brass rolling has a number of advantages over more expensive copper. In particular, brass L80 has a high strength, very well deformed in the cold state, not prone to corrosion cracking; it is widely used for stamping, forging, enameling. Mechanical strength at t° 20°C: Soft wire (GOST 1060 - 90) has ѕv 290 MPa, d5 25%; cold rolled soft strip (GOST 931 - 90) ѕv = 260 - 370 MPa, d5 40%; and cold rolled hard strip (GOST 931 - 90) ѕv = 390 MPa, d5 3%.Use
Brass L80 serves for the manufacture of semi-finished products such as sheet, strip, strip, pipe, wire. They are used for manufacturing of musical instruments, gauge tubes, artistic articles, separate parts for machine-building and chemical industry, fragments of heating systems.
Buy at a bargain price
Evek GmbH has a wide range of non-ferrous alloys in stock at the best price. The choice satisfies any customer. Brass rolled steel grade L80 is supplied in wholesale and retail. The popularity of products from this alloy is due to the huge variety and excellent quality of products. All products of our company are manufactured under full control of the process chain, which provides a 100% quality guarantee. We are ready to deliver products of non-standard parameters on an individual order. Technological capabilities at the stages of production allow for individual orders in the absence of the basic version of the required type of product. Lead times are minimal. The price depends on the delivery volume and additional terms of realization. Flexible system of discounts for wholesale orders.