20X17H2 - 1.4057 - aisi 431 pipe, round, wire
International Equivalent
Corrosion-resistant ordinary steel 20X17H2 belongs to the martensitic class. It is used in the production of heavy-duty high-strength parts that resist shock loads, abrasion in slightly aggressive environments. Steel grade 20Х17Н2 has high hardness (HRC>45).
Chemical properties of steel 20X17H2 in percentage according to GOST 5632−72.
Mechanical characteristics of 20X17H2 steel at 20 °C.
Mechanical characteristics:
Bar. Hardness after annealing according to GOST 5949−75 HB 10−1 = 285MPa
Forgings. Hardness according to GOST 25 054−81 HB 10−1 = 248 293MPa.
Foreign analogues of 20Х17Н2 steel.
Shape, dimensions, steel grade are regulated by the following GOST:
4405−75 — hot-rolled and forged strip;
8560−78 — hexagonal calibrated;
14 955−77 — with special surface finish;
103−76 — hot-rolled strip;
2879−88 — hot-rolled hexahedral;
2590−88 — hot-rolled round;
14−2-205−87, GOST 2591−88 — hot-rolled square;
1133−71 — forged square and round;
7417−75 — calibrated round;
8559−75 — calibrated square.
Buy at best price
Evek GmbH has a wide range of 20X17H2 steel products in stock. Our representative offices are located. You can make a purchase without leaving the office, through the Company’s website. The popularity of 20X17N2 brand products is explained by a diverse assortment and low cost. All the products have the highest quality. Technological completeness of each stage of production gives us the opportunity to make individual orders in case if you are not satisfied with the basic execution of the product. We carry out high quality individual orders of non-standard parameters, the timing of their implementation is minimal. For bulk purchases we provide discounts.