Alloy steel

The main products of modern metal-rolling companies are alloyed steel, without which today no industry can do without. Alloy steel has high performance qualities obtained in the manufacturing process. In order to achieve the specified properties, additives of optimum quantity of specialized additives are produced. After adding the necessary components to the melt, alloyed steel is produced, the main features of which are excellent mechanical and technological characteristics.
Today, in the wave of economic boom, consumers are offered a wide variety of steel grades with alloying additives, such as:
- nickel;
- copper;
- chemically bonded nitrogen;
- vanadium
- chromium.
Of course, the list of alloying components is much broader than this, but as a rule, the main types are those listed above. The alloying additives make it possible to produce structural or tool-type steels, indispensable in critical applications.
Specialists distinguish three main groups of alloy steels:
- low-alloyed steel (the content of additives barely reaches 2.5%);
- Medium alloyed steel (permitted percentage of additives varies from 2.5 to 10%)
- High-alloy steel, where the presence of additives is permitted in the amount of half of the mass of the finished material.
By appropriately selecting the necessary alloying components, alloyed constructional steels or high-alloy tool steels are produced.
It is necessary to understand how alloy steels are marked. Labels are applied to certain places on products or structures before they are sent for sale. Both numerical and alphabetical designations are used. Knowing the principles of marking makes the process of selecting the necessary materials many times faster. Classification of alloying steels provides for 4 categories to which one of the capital letters of the alphabet corresponds, it is placed in the designation before the other symbols:
- electrical steel - designated by the letter E;
- ball bearing steel - is denoted by the letter Sh;
- automaton steel is designated by the letter A;
- High-speed steel - by the letter P.
It is possible to meet in a steel marking the letter, A, which indicates the presence of nitrogen in steel, and the location of the letter directly depends on the quality of the steel. So for high quality steel the symbol should be placed at the end of the line. If it is just information on the nitrogen content, "A" is placed in the middle of the abbreviation with the percentage coefficient in numerical form. The marking includes the capital letters of the alloying components along with the numeric percentage designation. Niobium - B, tungsten - C, manganese - D, copper - D, selenium - E, cobalt - K, molybdenum - M, nickel - H, phosphorus - P, cerium - P, silicon - C, titanium - T, vanadium - F, chromium - X, zirconium - C, aluminum - U. The above labeling is documented by the corresponding GOST.
The way steel is used in industry directly depends on its class and set of qualities. Let's list the classes.
- Pearlite class found its application in mechanical engineering as a material for car parts or in the performance of fragments of household structures.
- The austenitic class implies that the alloyed stainless steel acquires enhanced corrosion resistance properties due to the chromium in its composition. It is used in heavy and light industry, as well as for household appliances;
- Ferritic steel refers to the most in-demand type, as they are highly resistant not only to corrosion, but also to high temperatures, thanks to a significant percentage of chromium and nickel in the composition.
Buy at a bargain price
Evek GmbH has a wide range of alloy steel-based steel products in the form of standard and non-standard parameters in stock. Our representative offices are located. You can make a purchase without leaving your office, for example, online via the Company's website. To purchase you only need to place an order and click "buy". If necessary, our managers can consult you on any current issues. They will give you all necessary information concerning products, price range, and terms of sale. Lead time is minimal. In case of bulk purchases we provide preferential discounts.