
Duralumin is a wrought aluminum alloy with additives of copper and magnesium and manganese. The content of copper is 4.4%, magnesium is 1.5%, and manganese is 0.5%. Copper and magnesium harden the alloy. Thanks to manganese, the structure of the alloy is refined, increasing strength and resistance to corrosion. Dural also contains fractions of a percentage of iron and silicon, which are considered unavoidable impurities. Thus iron reduces the strength and ductility of duralumin. Its detrimental effect is compensated to a certain extent by the impurity. silicon, which binds iron.
The name of the metal "dural" in modern language belongs to the professional-jargon slang, is a common professional term. The original origin of this name is not exactly known. Some metallurgists are inclined to the version of the origin of the name from the Latin word durus, meaning "hard".
Advantages of
This alloy stands out for its ease of machining, assembly and structural strength, which is achieved by using heat treatment.Dural is inferior to aluminum in terms of corrosion resistance. In order to avoid this drawback, pure aluminium is applied as a thin layer to the surface of duraly by hot rolling. This technique is called cladding, and produces a widely sought-after metal with advantageous properties. The alloy has a density of 2.5-2.8 g/cm³. The melting point is approximately 650 °C.
Types of duralumin
All duralumin used today by mechanical engineering, construction, aviation, are divided into four groups depending on the component composition, which also determines the price of duralumin:
1. classical duralumin (grade D1) whose composition has not practically changed since the first melting in 1908;
2. high-strength duralumin (grade D16). Significant strength properties are achieved due to a higher content of magnesium in the durum;
3. Dural of the increased heat-resistance (brands Д19 and ВД17). The main difference of these grades is the increased ratio of manganese and copper;
4. dural of the increased plasticity (grade Д18). Plasticity of metal in this case is achieved by lower content of copper and magnesium components.
Advantages of .
1. Excellent ductility of dural alloys after annealing.
2. The ability to self-strengthening in the process of aging.
Heat treatment .
After annealing at 500 °C and cooling, dural becomes soft and flexible, almost as soft as pure aluminum. After the aging process, dural takes on new characteristics, becoming harder and harder. Aging technology can be done naturally or artificially. The former will take about a day to perform, at an operating temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. In the artificial aging process, the temperature is higher, but the exposure time is less. After aging, dural acquires additional durability under increased stresses. The self-strengthening ability of dural was discovered by accident. The hardening of the alloy has been the main reason for its widespread use in industry and aircraft construction.
According to the production technology, semi-finished dural is supplied in different states, annealed, quenched and artificially aged. The holding time and temperature of quenching and artificial aging depend on the thickness and initial qualities of the alloy. Duralumin after quenching is hardened without loss of plasticity, which makes it easy to deform. Freshly quenched semi-finished parts are produced in a single operation by punching or piercing. It is important to keep in mind that deformation during natural aging reduces the tensile strength by 2 kG/mm2 of most alloys. Based on the above, the technology requires deformation of D1 alloys exclusively in a freshly hardened state within the first 2 hours after hardening, and of D6 and D16 alloys within half an hour. Depending on the complexity of the technological process, the price of dural is formed.
Special features .
1. Reduced corrosion resistance of duralumin to stress, which is eliminated by cladding;
2. High sensitivity of duralumin alloys to repeated loads and the effects of sharp cuts;
3. The tendency of duralumin to significantly reduce strength at temperatures above 1400 °C.
Duralumin has a wide range of applications. In addition to the construction of residential and industrial infrastructure, it is actively used in aircraft engineering, mechanical engineering and high-speed transport. The preference for the use of dural alloys is due to their higher hardness compared to aluminum.
The most used alloys D1 and D16, they are widely used in aircraft and engineering industries. Alloy D1 is the main material for making sheets, profiles, pipes, wire, as well as forgings and forgings. The same semi-finished products, except for forgings and forgings, are made of alloy D16.
Alloys with increased ductility (D18) have narrowly focused application. Alloys D18 are used to make rivets for aircraft construction. Alloys VD17 and D19 are intended for the production of various deformed semi-finished products, the scope of which is to work when heated.
Alloy B95 is used in the form of pressed sections, various forgings and bars.
To buy dural for a favorable price today is not difficult. The price for it is formed based on the component composition, the peculiarities of the technological production process and largely depends on the delivery volume and additional conditions of implementation. The technical documentation includes data on the percentage composition and performance qualities of the product. With us it is easy to buy in bulk any semi-finished products for large-scale production. We also cooperate with retail buyers. The high level of service, compliance with GOST and international quality standards, responsiveness of service is the face of our company.
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