Erbium marks, chemical composition
General Characteristics
Erbium is a rare-earth element number 68 of group III of
Physical and chemical properties
Erbium has a density of 9.062 g/cm³. It has a hexagonal lattice with parameters c = 0.55 874 nm and, a = 0.35 588 nm. The melting point reaches 1522 °C, the t° of boiling 2510 °C. The valence is +3. It reacts easily with oxygen and halogens: bromine, iodine, fluorine, chlorine to form salts.
Atomic number of Er. | Atomic (molar) mass g/mol | Oxidation state | Density [g/cm3] | Melting point t °С | Boiling point t ° C | Melting point kJ/kg |
№ 67 | 167,26 | 2, 3 | 9,062 | 1522°С | 2510°С | 398 |
It is used in nuclear power, fiber optics and laser optics. It contributes to the activation of phosphorus in the smelting of ferrites and magnetic alloys of iron with nickel and cobalt. Er2 O3 oxide (sometimes borate) mixed with uranium oxide markedly improves power distribution as well as the technical and economic performance and safety of RBMK reactors. Erbium is present in the control rods of nuclear boilers. Like other metals of the lanthanide group, it is produced in the form of circles, wires, sheets
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