Rare metals in rolled products

Rolled metal products
These are metal products made of ferrous or non-ferrous metal, which are rolled and processed cold/hot using special machines. The material used can be cast iron, steel, titanium, copper, bronze, aluminum, etc. There are also many subspecies: pipe, shaped, bar, sheet.
Any rolled metal, including rare metal, can be purchased at the most affordable price. Rolled metal products greatly facilitate any construction, design and decorative work. This material is the most affordable and practical to use, thanks to its many design advantages.
Bar sections have a simple cross-section: round, square, hexagonal. Flat rolled products are distinguished by more complicated cross-section: T-shaped, H-shaped and others. Flat rolled products are rolled sheets of different thickness and format supplied in coils or sheets. The most commonly used type of rolled steel is corrugated sheeting. It is used for the interior or exterior decoration of steel structures. Numerous pipes of all sorts of size are tubular rolled metal products, which are divided into welded and seamless. Often, so-called decorative rolled metal products are used — cast parts or elements that are decorated and used for decoration. They are very popular in the production of architectural elements. According to the format rolled products can be divided into large, medium and small — depending on the sphere of use. This variety allows the consumer to find and select the most optimal variant of products.
Type of surface treatment:
Long steel is used for the production of mounting hardware, fence structures, reinforcement, in the motor — shafts, gears, springs, metal — for the manufacture of tools. Rolled sheets are the shells of ships, airplanes, rockets, flat parts of turbines, thermal enclosures of thermal furnaces and nuclear reactors. Today, the technology of metal-rolling is far advanced, using the latest developments. Rolled metal products have found their application in practically every sphere — in oil refining industry, agricultural machinery, medicine, household. This material is indispensable for the creation of the usual refrigerator, stove, cookware.
Buy at the best price
Evek GmbH has a wide range of rolled metal products of standard and non-standard parameters on stock. Our representative offices are located. You can make a purchase without leaving your office, for example, online through the Company’s website. To purchase you only need to place an order and click «buy» button. If necessary, our managers can consult you on any current issues. They will give you all necessary information concerning products, price range, and terms of sale. Lead time is minimal. In case of bulk purchases we provide preferential discounts.