Lc40c - CuZn37AI1 -C85800 rod, strip, wire

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Lc40s C85800 CuZn37AI1 Delivery from the stock, in stock


Production includes horizontal casting, broaching with subsequent calibration to improve accuracy of parameters and optimization of automatic metal processing lines. The chemical composition of LC40-S and LC40-SD grades is normalized by GOST 17 711-93. As follows from the abbreviation composition of this brass includes about 40% of zinc, more precisely 35 - 42,2% Zn. Copper constitutes the main part: 57 - 61% Cu. Then in descending order: 0.8 to 2% of lead, up to 1% of nickel, up to 0.8% of iron, 0.5% each of manganese, tin and aluminum, 0.3% of silicon, 0.05% of antimony. Permissible proportion of extraneous impurities - less than 2%.

Percentage composition of LC40-C (GOST 17 711-93)

Zn Cu Fe Pb Si Sb Mn Al and Sn Ni Impurities
35-42,2 57-61 ≤0,8 0,8-2 ≤0,3 ≤0,5 ≤0,5 ≤0.5 ≤1 ≤2


Brass rolling has a number of advantageous qualities compared to more expensive copper. In particular, brass ЛЦ40-С and brass ЛЦ40-СД has pronounced antifriction qualities. Due to excellent manufacturability the products of any profile and complexity can be produced. Brass LC40-S is characterized by minimal shrinkage during casting, which in turn provides the highest quality product. The negligible propensity to the process of liquation, which has brass LC40-SD allows it to be used for the production of a wide range of metal products. At t° 20 °C the index d in - for casting into the sand mold, casting into the or centrifugal mold is 215 MPa, index d5 (in %) for casting into the or centrifugal mold = 20%, for casting into the sand mold = 12%.


Production of shut-off sanitary parts, casting of sleeves and cages for roller and ball bearings. Production of manometric and condenser tubes, sleeves of chemical equipment. For mechanical engineering manufacture of engine cooling systems.

Buy at a bargain price

Evek GmbH stocks a diverse range of non-ferrous alloys at an optimal price. The choice satisfies every customer. Brass rolled products brand LC supplied wholesale and retail. The popularity of products from this alloy is due to the great variety and excellent quality of products. All products of our company are manufactured under full control of the process chain, which provides a 100% quality guarantee. We are ready to deliver products of non-standard parameters on an individual order. Technological capabilities at the stages of production allow for individual orders in the absence of the basic version of the required type of product. Lead times are minimal. The price depends on the delivery volume and additional terms of realization. Flexible system of discounts for wholesale orders.