Titanium pipe
International Equivalent
To take or not to take, that is the question — it is unlikely to be relevant when buying a titanium pipe, so exceptional qualities it possesses.
Titanium pipe on customer’s request can have any cross-section and length. Its technical qualities will be determined by the chemical composition of the material (normalized by GOST 24 231−80) and the production method. According to the method of production, titanium tube is: 1) hot-rolled, machined on the outer and inner surface, 2) cold-rolled seamless and 3) welded from titanium brands BT1−0 and OT4−0. The chemical composition of welded tubes is normalized by GOST 19 807−74, and production. — GOST 24 890−81. The basis of welded pipes is strip welded by argon-arc or other method. Cold-deformed seamless tubes are produced according to OST 1 90 050−72, GOST 22 897−86, from titanium BT1−0 or alloy PT-7M with chemical composition according to GOST 19 807−74. Surface of the tubes can be ground or etched. In alloys marking the letters inform about the designer (e.g. PT — alloys developed by CRISM «Prometey», VT — VIAM-titanium), figures indicate the corresponding serial number of the alloy.
Quality standardization
Pipes are subdivided in quality grade into group A with pickled surface in annealed state and group B without surface pickling and heat treatment. Pipes surface should be free of delaminations, cracks, cavities, deep scratches, seam defects. Traces of broach shall be allowed. The ends shall be deburred and evenly trimmed at right angles.
Advantages of
Titanium pipe is characterized by high strength, corrosion resistance and lightness. It has satisfactory machinability, good ductility and weldability, and retains its full merits at extremely high and low temperatures. It is reliable in all atmospheric conditions, damp soil, seawater, and chlorinated water. The corrosion rate is less than 0.002 mm/year. Remarkable resistance in an atmosphere of sulfur, chlorine, chlorine oxide, in nitric acid at elevated temperatures. Titanium is resistant in petroleum products, in mixtures of caustic potash and sodium at concentrations up to 40%, in boiling solutions of 20% NH3 OH, in moltenIn molten sulphuric acid solutions up to 240 °C, in industrial gases and SOC2, in water solutions of H2 S and sulphuric acid salts and caustic soda. At t° up to 100 °C, titanium is resistant to acetic anhydride, organic acids, in fresh water up to 260 °C and 130−140 atm.
Owing to its exceptional qualities, titanium tubing has found its application in jet engineering, underwater shipbuilding and petrochemistry. It is used in well drilling, oil and gas production and perfectly copes with a number of difficult applications which are beyond the capabilities of other metal alloys. The V.T. grade is light and strong, resistant to corrosion and chemical agents. It is mostly used in gas and oil production, deep-water geological exploration and the development of offshore fields. VT1−0 grade pipe is produced cold and hot rolled. After the rolling it undergoes mechanical treatment. It is resistant to aggressive environment and temperature fluctuations from -250 °С to +450 °С, which is important in chemical industry. Non-magnetic properties and significant electrical resistance make it popular in radioelectronics. The O.T. grade is applied less frequently, it is also little affected by moisture, salts and temperature variations, and is used in petrochemical and gas processing industries…
Buy at the best price.
Evek GmbH stocks a wide range of high-quality titanium tubes. We supply titanium tubes of standard and custom sizes. Always available titanium tubes with an outer diameter of 0.2 mm to 38 mm. Thickness of wall: from 0.07 mm to 8 mm of alloy grade: ВТ1−0, ВТ1−00, ПТ-1М, ПТ-7М. The chemical composition is normalized GOST 19 807−74. Range meets OST 90 050−72, GOST 19 807−74 and 22 897−86, as well as technical conditions: TU 14−3-161−73, 14−3-843−79, 14−3-820−79, etc. All the pipes have the quality certificate on conformity to requirements of standards and technical specifications, are ultrasonic tested for absence of defects. We sell our products within the shortest possible time. Preferential discounts for wholesale customers.