Alloy KHN56VMKJU (EP109)
Alloy KHN56VMKJU used: for the manufacture of hot-rolled bars; turbine blades and other parts for aircraft and engineering.
High-temperature Nickel-based alloy.
The recommended maximum operating temperature for limited time +950 °C.
The temperature of beginning of intensive scaling in air +1080 °C.
Chemical composition
Ni is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-223-72 in the alloy, the presence of antimony, tin, bismuth and arsenic is allowed for no more than 1 point of the spectral analysis scale. Boron and cerium are introduced into the metal by calculation and chemical analysis is not determined.
According to TU 14-1-223-72 in the alloy, the presence of antimony, tin, bismuth and arsenic is allowed for no more than 1 point of the spectral analysis scale. Boron and cerium are introduced into the metal by calculation and chemical analysis is not determined.