Alloy ВЖЛ16


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВЖЛ16
Designation GOST Latin BZhL16
Transliteration VGL16
By chemical elements ВFeЛ16


Alloy ВЖЛ16 used: for the production of cast bar billets (LPZ), intended for subsequent remelting and casting parts blades and other shaped castings of gas turbine components.


Complex multiphase solid Nickel alloy.
Alloy heat resistant and wear resistant.


Name Code Standards
Blanks. Of the workpiece. Slabs В31 TU 1-92-103-86
Castings, non-ferrous metals and alloys В84 TU 1-92-183-91

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Si Ni Fe Al B Ti Mo Nb W
TU 1-92-183-91 0.08-0.14 ≤0.02 ≤0.02 1.5-2 Rest 3-3.5 1.5-2 0.03-0.05 1.5-2.5 16-18 0.7-1 3-5
Ni is the basis.
According to TU 1-92-183-91, the determination of boron content in the alloy is mandatory. The mass fraction of zirconium dioxide in the alloy should be within 3.0-5.0%.

Mechanical properties

σU, MPa d5, % HB, MPa
Cast rod stock (LPZ) and of piston ring blanks. Annealing: Heating up to 950-980 °C, maintained for 5 hours, cooling with the oven up to 350-500 °C, then air cooling
≥740 ≥0.5 ≥410

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
σU Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
HB Brinell hardness number