Alloy ЖС6КП


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЖС6КП
Designation GOST Latin ZhC6KP
Transliteration GS6KP
By chemical elements FePb6CoП


Alloy ЖС6КП used: for the production of cast bar billets (LPZ), intended for subsequent remelting, forging and casting parts of gas turbines operating at temperatures less than 950 °C.


Heat-resistant alloys on a Nickel basis.


Name Code Standards
Test methods. Packing. Marking В39 OST 1 90181-75
Blanks. Of the workpiece. Slabs В31 TU 1-92-55-77

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Al B Ti Mo Pb Bi W Ce Co
TU 1-92-55-77 0.1-0.15 ≤0.015 ≤0.015 ≤0.4 10-12 ≤0.4 Rest ≤1.5 4.3-5 ≤0.02 2.6-3.5 5-6.5 ≤0.001 0.0005 3-5 ≤0.015 5-9
Ni is the basis.
According to TU 1- 92- 55-77 the chemical composition is presented for the alloy ZhS6KP-VD and ZhS6KP-ID, melted in open or vacuum furnaces with subsequent remelting of the vacuum arc furnace. Boron and cerium are introduced into the alloy by calculation and chemical analysis are not determined. In the alloy, subject to the requirements of the technical specification, deviations from the chemical composition standards are allowed: for carbon +0.010%, for cobalt-0.50%, for molybdenum-0.50%. Sulfur and phosphorus are determined in every tenth smelting.

Technological properties

Name The value
Machinability Alloy low machinability.
Macrostructure and pollution The macrostructure of alloy billets according to TU 1-92-55-77, check in the delivery state, should not have delamination, internal cracks, metallic and non-metallic inclusions and other metallurgical defects. The carbonitrides rejection symptom are not.