Babbit BK2SH


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic БК2Ш
Designation GOST Latin BK2Sh
Transliteration BK2Sh
By chemical elements BeCo2


Babbit BK2SH applies: for podrihtovali alloys when casting inserts indigenous and connecting rod bearings of diesel engines and gas engines for OST 24.067.40.


Name Code Standards
Non-ferrous metals, including rare, and their alloys В51 GOST 1209-90

Chemical composition

Standard Cu Al Sn Sb Pb Bi Ca Mg Na
GOST 1209-90 ≤0.15 ≤0.02 1.5-2.1 ≤0.2 Rest ≤0.2 0.65-0.9 0.03-0.09 0.7-0.9
Pb is the basis.
According to GOST 1209-90 the total content of other impurities is ≤ 0.30%.