Alloy МНАКХ11-2,5-1,0-0,8 (Alloy 131)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic МНАКХ11-2,5-1,0-0,8
Designation GOST Latin MHAKX11-2,5-1,0-0,8
Transliteration MNAKH11-25-10-08
By chemical elements CuNiAlCoCr11-2,5-1,0-0,8
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic Сплав 131
Designation GOST Latin Cplab 131
Transliteration Splav 131
By chemical elements Pbплав 131


Alloy МНАКХ11−2,5−1,0−0,8 used: for the production of rental in the form of tape used in the manufacture of springs and spring parts for various industrial uses.


Name Code Standards
Non-ferrous metals, including rare, and their alloys В51 GOST 28873-90
Tape В54 TU 48-21-433-81, TU 48-21-629-82