Steel 01N18K9M5T (ЭП637У)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 01Н18К9М5Т
Designation GOST Latin 01H18K9M5T
Transliteration 01N18K9M5T
By chemical elements 01Н18Co9Mo5Ti
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭП637У
Designation GOST Latin EP637U
Transliteration EhP637U
By chemical elements -


01N18K9M5T steel is used: for the production of housings of rocket engines, parts of aircraft engines, artillery guns and small arms, liners, submarines, submersibles, high-load disc turbines, gear wheels, spindles, parts worm pairs; the shafts of helicopters; heavy-duty parts for critical applications; welded housings of the engines; pressure vessels of large dimensions; fasteners, gears motors.


Maraging steel with higher structural stability in the interval of temperatures from cryogenic to 500 °C.


Name Code Standards
Bars and shapes В22 GOST 1133-71, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006
Sheets and strips В33 GOST 4405-75
Bars and shapes В32 TU 14-1-4896-90

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Al Ti Mo Co
TU 14-1-4896-90 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.1 ≤0.3 ≤0.1 17.7-19 Rest ≤0.15 0.6-0.8 4.6-5.5 8.5-9.5
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-4896-90 the chemical composition is given for the steel grade 01N18K9M5T-IL (EP637U-IL).

Mechanical properties

σU, MPa y, % KCU, kJ/m2
Quenching in water from 1050-1060 °C for 1 hour, and 2-fold quenching in water 890-910 °C for 1 hour, quenching in air, 770-795 °C for 1 hour, and aging at 510-550 °C 3-4 hours, air cooling
1910 30 245
1910 40 294

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
σU Limit short-term strength
y The relative narrowing
KCU Toughness