Alloy 21NKMT (WPP-130)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 21НКМТ
Designation GOST Latin 21HKMT
Transliteration 21NKMT
By chemical elements 21NiCoCuTe
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВЭС-130
Designation GOST Latin BEC-130
Transliteration VEhS-130
By chemical elements ВЭPb-130


Alloy 21NKMT used: for the manufacture of elastic sensing elements of complex shape, brackets, rotors, and gyroscopes.


Binary martensitic-austenitic alloy 21NKMT-VI exceeds the level of strength and elasticity of 1.5−2.0 times (at the same binarnoi) traditional austenitic alloys of the type 45NKhT, MAS-22. Binarnye and high mechanical properties are achieved without the use of cold strain in the cross sections up to 100 mm.


Name Code Standards
Bars and shapes В32 TU 14-1-5366-98

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Al Ti Mo Co Y
TU 14-1-5366-98 ≤0.03 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.1 ≤0.3 ≤0.1 20.5-21.5 Rest ≤0.2 0.6-0.9 4.5-5.5 8.5-9.5 ≤0.01
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-5366-98, the yttrium content in the alloy 21KMT-VI is calculated.

Mechanical properties

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σU, MPa d5, %
Rental (sheets and bars) after heat treatment of precision in the delivery condition on the other 14-1-5366-98
1300-1700 1400-1800 6-8

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σU Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture