Steel 16GS
16GS steel is used: for the manufacture of parts such as bottoms, collar flanges, fittings, rings, tubes, tees and parts of rectangular shape for power equipment and pipelines with an absolute pressure of more than 3.9 MPa thermal electrostantsiya, housings and other parts operating at temperatures from -40 °C to 475 °C under pressure; welded steel elements operating at temperatures down to -70 °C; for the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants (NPP); the manufacture sector of elbows and tees of the piping as remote-1400−1600, welded transitions, flanges, welded tees and other fittings of pipelines, as with operating temperature from -40 °C to +350 °C; as a base layer in the manufacture of hot-rolled dual-layer corrosion-resistant sheets.
Steel low-alloy silico-manganese. The degree of deoxidation — SP.
Steel 16GS provides strength grade sheet, universal broadband rental and roll-formed profiles KP 265 with plate thickness of from 20 to 160 mm., KP 295 with a thickness from 20 to 32 mm., CP 315 with a thickness of 10 to 20 mm., KP 325 with a thickness up to 10 mm. without the use of additional hardening treatment.
Chemical composition
According to GOST 17066-94, the mass fraction of arsenic is allowed up to 0.015%, with the mass fraction of phosphorus being not more than 0.030%.
According to GOST 19282-73, it is allowed to modify steel with calcium and rare-earth elements from the calculation of the introduction of not more than 0.02% calcium and 0.05% rare-earth elements into the metal.
According to GOST 19281-89 and GOST 19282-73, it is allowed to add aluminum and titanium from the calculation of the mass fraction in the rolled aluminum - no more than 0.050%, titanium - no more than 0.030%.
According to GOST 5520-79, the mass fraction of arsenic can be up to 0.15% in the smelting of steel from the Kerch ore, while the mass fraction of phosphorus should not be more than 0.030%. At the request of the consumer, the mass fraction of sulfur should not exceed 0.025, 0.030 or 0.035%, and phosphorus 0.030 or 0.035%. When steel is smelted in electric furnaces, the mass fraction of nitrogen must be ≤ 0.012%.
According to TU 1301-039-00212179-2010 the chemical composition is given for steel grade 16GS-III. The content of each impurity element, not regulated by the table, is allowed up to 0.050%.