Steel 16ГФБ
16ГФБ steel is used: for the manufacture of billets, cold-resistant pipes and pipes having improved resistance against hydrogen sulfide corrosion of pipelines and construction of gas fields.
Serovodoroda low alloy steel.
Chemical composition
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-3345-2006, the pipe blank allows for a deviation in carbon - plus 0.01%, for aluminum - plus 0.02%. In order to modify the steel and globularization of sulfide inclusions, silicocalcium and (or) alumobaric minerals of at least 1 kg / ton (1: 1 ratio) are introduced into the steel. The mass fraction of calcium and (or) barium in steel is not a delivery indicator and is not controlled. The addition of titanium in the amount of at least 0.015% is introduced into the steel.
According to TU 14-1-3345-2006, the pipe blank allows for a deviation in carbon - plus 0.01%, for aluminum - plus 0.02%. In order to modify the steel and globularization of sulfide inclusions, silicocalcium and (or) alumobaric minerals of at least 1 kg / ton (1: 1 ratio) are introduced into the steel. The mass fraction of calcium and (or) barium in steel is not a delivery indicator and is not controlled. The addition of titanium in the amount of at least 0.015% is introduced into the steel.