Alloy SVI-1


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic СВИ-1
Designation GOST Latin CBI-1
Transliteration SVI-1
By chemical elements PbВIr-1


Alloy SVI-1 is used: for the manufacture of tungsten powder and the oxide of yttrium rods designed for welding of active metals in a protective atmosphere of argon and helium.


Alloy utrirovannoe tungsten. The alloy with additive of yttrium oxide Y2 O3.


Name Code Standards
Bars В55 TU 48-19-221-83

Chemical composition

Standard Si Ni Fe Al Mo Ca W
TU 48-19-221-83 ≤0.01 ≤0.005 ≤0.007 ≤0.005 ≤0.04 ≤0.01 ≥97.623
W is the basis.
According to TU 48-19-221-83 in the alloy of grade SWI-1, the mass fraction of yttrium oxide Y 2 O 3 should be within the range of 1.50-2.30%.