Zinc and zinc alloys
Technological properties
Zinc has a densely packed hexagonal lattice (HL). This explains the sharp anisotropy of its properties. This metal in the cast state at room temperature is poorly plastic, at temperature from 100 to 150 ° C its plasticity significantly increases, which makes it possible to subject it to pressure treatment - pressing, rolling, drawing and punching. The processability of zinc under pressure depends on its purity. The addition of tin, which forms a eutectic composition with zinc at 199°C, and especially the presence of lead and cadmium, which form a complex eutectic with zinc at temperatures up to 150°C, have a negative effect on hot work. Therefore, the content of these impurities in zinc and its alloys is strictly limited.
- In the alloy TsAM4-1, the mass fraction of lead must not exceed 0.004%.
- In zinc alloys used for rolling, the fraction of aluminum is up to 0.005%.
- In zinc alloy CV00 the share of bismuth, aluminum, antimony and nickel must not exceed 0.1%.
- The share of arsenic in zinc alloy CV0 and CV00 is up to 0,0005% by customer's request.
All zinc casting alloys have a very narrow temperature range of crystallisation, have eutectic properties, thus good fluidity, and give very dense castings. The best method of obtaining castings is considered to be casting in a die-casting or casting-in-place. A relatively low pouring temperature (440 to 470°C) reduces requirements to the heat resistance of the moulds and moulds, and the increased fluidity makes it possible to cast complex shapes of thin-walled parts. Sometimes (especially for parts with complex configurations) casting in sand molds is used. In this way the castings obtained contain many pores and have a coarser grain structure, which leads to considerable variation of properties and reduction of zinc products quality. The alloy CB00 is cast in ingots of weight 4 - 5 kg and 8 - 10 kg, and alloys CB, CB0, C0A, C0,1,2,3- in ingots with the weight from 19 to 25 kg and in blocks of 500 and 1000 kg.
Zinc alloys are used for thermodiffusion and chemical and hot-dip galvanizing of steel products, in the manufacture of chemical current sources, in the printing industry, as an alloying element in alloys (mostly brass) and as a base of zinc alloys.
Marking is done by color. Zinc blocks and ingots are marked with paint on the end face. Alloy Z0 is marked with a single band of white.
Buy, price
Evek GmbH sells non-ferrous metals at the best price. It is formed taking into account the LME (London metal exchange) rates and depends on the technological characteristics of production, without including additional costs. We supply a wide range of zinc and zinc-alloy products. All batches are certified. With us you can buy in bulk everything you need for large-scale productions. The wide choice of goods, exhaustive consulting of managers, reasonable prices and prompt delivery determine the face of our company. Delivery time is minimal. The price depends on the order volume and additional delivery terms. Wholesale customers receive discounts.