Brass marking
Brasses are subdivided into: 1) Two-component simple brasses, which consist only of zinc and copper and have impurities in small amounts. 2) Multicomponent special brasses, in addition to zinc and copper they contain additional alloying elements. Such elements may be iron, aluminum, nickel, manganese, silicon, lead. Brass is also sub-divided into foundry brass and wrought brass.
Tin can increase strength and resistance to corrosion in seawater. Manganese increases the corrosion resistance and strength of brasses, especially when combined with tin, iron and aluminum. Nickel contributes to strength and corrosion resistance in corrosive environments. Silicon, on the other hand, impairs strength and hardness. Lead contributes to improved machinability but impairs mechanical properties. Lead and silicon alloying together help to increase the antifriction properties, after which such brass can serve as a substitute for more expensive, for example, tin bronzes.
Multi-component brass is marked as follows: the first letter L stands for brass, followed by a number of letters which indicate the composition of the alloying elements other than zinc. Figures, indicated through a hyphen stand for the following: the first digit reflects an average percentage content of copper, subsequent digits indicate the content of each alloying element in the same order as in the letter part of the Grade. The order of numbers and letters is established in accordance with the content of the element: the first comes the element whose share in the alloy is the highest, and the rest of the additives go downwards. The zinc content is determined by the difference from 100%. For example: the brass grade LAZHMz66-6-3-2 means: brass containing Cu - 66%, Al -6%, Fe -3% and Mn - 2%. The zinc content of the brass is 100 - (66+6+3+2) = 23%. Brass, which contains 5-20% of zinc is called tompak (red). Yellow brass is called brass, in which the zinc content is 20-36%. Brasses with more than 45% zinc content are very rarely used in practice. In marks of simple brasses only copper content is specified. Lb3 - contains 63% of copper and -37% of zinc; L96 - contains 96% of copper and ~4% of zinc (tompak).
Application of special brasses. Foundry alloys
- LCs40Mts3Zh - propellers and blades, fittings, complex shape parts
- LC40S - sleeves, fittings, cages of roller and ball bearings, etc;
- LC30A3 - corrosion-resistant parts.
Deformable alloys
- LZMz59-1-1 - bars, strips, wire, tubes;
- LZh60-1-1 - bars, tubes;
- LS59-1 - bars, strips, wire, tubes.
Buy, price.
Evek GmbH sells products of different brass grades ina wide range at the best price. You can order and buy the products of standard and non-standard parameters through our representative office or via the web-site of the company. The quality of the products meets GOST and international standards requirements. The terms of fulfilling orders are minimal. The price depends on the order volume and additional terms of delivery. Preferential discounts are provided to wholesale customers.