The southern GOK is a part of group «Smart-holding». This is one of the leading Ukrainian manufacturers of iron ore. Last year’s production amounted to 12,247 million tonnes of concentrate. The reading came in below the result for the year before by 0.2%. Production of sinter amounted to 1,746 million tons. It also turned out to be less than in 2017. The difference was 6%.
The company continues work on the modernization of its second ore-dressing factory. So it was a major overhaul of process unit No. 13. This investment project is the most ambitious in the last year. Its implementation is estimated at about UAH 400 million. About it told the press service of the company. In General, the upgrading work underway at the company for nine years. It told the CEO of the southern mining. During this entire period, major repairs were subjected to 12 technology sections. All sections of the two factories will be upgraded by 2022. Anyway, so plans guide.
Modernization of section No. 12 was launched last year in the fall. Since then, was carried out repair work on all sites. Besides, there was carried out installation of the latest equipment. In particular we are talking about hydrocyclones. Their production company was responsible for Multotec. This equipment is characterized by high efficiency and performance. With it better distinguishes iron from raw materials. This has a positive effect on the quality of products. It is iron ore concentrate.
In the process of modernization repair were subjected to design of reinforced concrete. The replacement of the roof of the main building of the factory. Special attention was given to improving the safety conditions of the staff.