Transmashholding bought machinery plant DCD Rolling Stock. It is located in Boksburg, South Africa. Its area is 45 thousand square meters. The deal with DCD Group Pty Ltd, the current owner of the plant has been completed. Information shared Directorate for external relations, Transmashholding. DCD Rolling Stock will be his first venture into African territory. It will pass the Assembly and maintenance of rolling stock. It is characterized by a different purpose. There is also going to be upgrading. The calculation is not just for the South African market and across the continent.
From Transmashholding is the company representing its interests in Africa. It’s called TMH Africa. It will be to control the production process in the acquired plant. 70% of this company belongs TMH International AG. It is an international holding. The remaining 30% is owned by MJISA. This investment Fund. He is a member of a specialized program. Is the Program broadening participation of the black population in the local economy.
It is known that the company has developed and is actively implementing an investment strategy. This strategy is the creation of «local Champions» in the international markets. It is only on emerging markets. The company specializiruetsya on the production of narrow gauge rolling stock. The new factory will handle international orders. This was reported by General Director of TMH International AG. Plant DCD Rolling Stock is an industrial area world-class. It has the latest production technologies. It added the General Director of TMH Africa.