Kolchugino «Elektrokabel» is part of «holding Cable Alliance». Holding himself performs the Union of all cable assets UMMC. The factory supplied cable for the greenhouse complex «UMMC-agro». This time it was delivered to 70 km and is Now undergoing the second phase of construction. If you count from the first phase, was delivered 400 km First phase of construction ended in the autumn of last year.
The second greenhouse refers to the fifth generation. Its area is 6.8 ha. In operation it will be launched sometime before the end of this year. As the source of generation is the energy center. It provides the same power the first stage of the complex. A cable connected to transformer substations. They convert the voltage of 10 kV to 0.4 kV. After that, it comes already in the greenhouse.
In the new greenhouse are laid cables powerful. They are in the ground. Insulated cables, polyethylene. As protection has a special armor. She is from two steel galvanized tapes. This eliminates the mechanical damage of the lines in operation. The service life of cable lines is 30 years. Naturally, the manufacturer claims about the possibility of a longer period of operation.
«The Electrocable» has also supplied control cables to farmers. They were mounted under the ceiling of the greenhouses. This was made special trays. Thanks to them, the climate settings are controlled from the operator station. We are talking about temperature, humidity, watering, etc. Through them you can give the commands. Most of the processes in a complex automated.