The Japanese company Panasonic Corp has been manufacturing lithium-ion batteries. It is the exclusive supplier of this product for Tesla. American manufacturer uses these batteries in their electric vehicles. The demand for such cars grows. However, with the creation of components of any complexity.
Batteries contain cobalt, which is not so much now. Mass production of electric vehicles has not yet started. It will require more time. But to solve the issue with batteries now. Because Panasonic is considering reducing the content of cobalt in batteries.
To solve the company’s problems, it may take several years. She said she will create a battery, even cobalt. But when it succeeds it is difficult to say. Also become independent of the cobalt wants more number of companies. This metal too jumped in price. This explains its deficit. Is just not enough for widespread electric cars.
Cobalt in concentrate was produced in the amount of 115.1 thousand tons. This is the figure for the previous year. In 2016 the volume was 116.3 thousand tons. The metal is obtained as a by-product. It occurs when one’s mined copper and Nickel. Half of his inventory is in D. R. Congo. It is also not pleasing for all of us, as the country is underdeveloped.
Official projections are certainly more optimistic. According to S&P's the amount of global production of the metal will rise. On average, each subsequent year the growth will be 12%. It last until 2021.