Elga coal complex owned by «El'gaugol'". She, in turn, refers to the mining division of Mechel Group. The company has expanded its manufacturing of vehicles. So the Elga coal complex have earned the new BelAZ dump trucks. Machines only three. The purchase cost the company more than 200 million rubles.
New BelAZ 75131 dump trucks are used to transport rock mass. Their capacity is 130 tons. Today, the technological Park of motor transport complex is about 30 cars. All this technique of «BelAZ». It has established itself as a reliable transport. In addition, it has high performance.
These machines are extremely easy to use and maintain. They were developed taking into account difficult conditions of the far North. The new equipment will allow the company to increase the volume of coal production. The plan was carefully developed and began to be implemented in the current year. So for the first six months of production has already increased. The growth was 31%. The comparison takes last year’s figure.
The production volume for the first polypodiaceae has more than 2.5 million tons. Exported were more than 5 million cubic meters of rock mass. That’s 16% more than in the same period last year. The expansion of the fleet will continue to increase production. The increase will be implemented gradually over three years.
Three dump trucks BelAZ 75131 not the only novelties of the company. There are still a few new cars. They will be operational in the second half of the year. It is reported by the managing Director of the company «El'gaugol'". Thus, at the end of the year the volume of coal production can still grow significantly.