Kirovsky plant OTSM refers to the UMMC-OTSM. The company is now engaged in the modernization of its facilities. We are talking about rolling procuring equipment. Today completed a key stage of the process. Begins to operate the cold rolling mill. His model of the Quarto-450.
Also earn superior roller table of hot rolling mill DUO-850. In addition will launch a line of longitudinal-transverse cutting. Brand Assembly Salico. Run the units in a festive atmosphere. Thanks to the new equipment will improve the quality of the products.
Manufactured by the company rental will be able to compete with imported products. It is now actively sold in the local market. Quality domestic production is capable of import substitution.
The new equipment will allow to produce products that meet all requirements. We are talking about the geometric and mechanical properties. They are listed in foreign standards of ASTM and EN. In addition, it will allow to expand assortment.
Everything else new facilities provide jobs. More qualified people will get jobs with decent pay. The purchase of new equipment cost the company more than $ 1.4 billion. The most expensive is the mill Quarto-450. It is an improved version of the Tandem-1000.
For Quarto-450 was given to 997 million rubles. Work on the alteration involved in the company «Danieli Germany». With it processed workpieces weighing up to 5 tons. The result is rolled, the thickness of which is 0.5 mm. Its width is 1050 mm.
The new equipment will allow to increase production volumes. The plant plans to produce 2.5 million tons per year. Then the share of the company in the domestic market may rise to 55%. It is now 7%.