The government of Magadan region signed an agreement with Russian copper company. It was signed on 9 July. Both parties will work together to implement investment projects in the region. They concern the study and development of copper deposits. In the future, consider the establishment of a mining enterprise. The government assistance will be provided.
For the most part, this is due to the state support. Now there are certain state programs. This will greatly help Russian copper company in development. The company has developed a strategy, which should. It intends to expand the existing mineral resource base. In addition, it will be developed promising deposits. Cooperation with the government of the Magadan region will greatly help with the implementation.
Common endeavours contributes to the development not only of the enterprise itself. It may have a positive impact on the entire region. It can drastically rise in socio-economic terms. Because the local government is interested in such cooperation. In addition, it will provide new jobs for the population. Thus, both sides have good reasons to interact.
Russian copper company has the best production technology. In addition, they are still available. The company also kind to the environment. It seeks to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Special attention the company pays to its employees. It provides them with a good salary and comfortable working conditions. Russian copper company is characterized as a reliable partner. It is not only in business terms and socially.