Manufacture of separators for «Sakhalin-2» has been Izhorskiye Zavody. They belong to the Group OMZ. Separators will go to daimou compressor station. It is located on the onshore technological complex of the project «Sakhalin-2». Izhorskiye Zavody signed a contract with «Sakhalin energy» in 2016. For the production of separators used billets. They manufactured iron and steel company, OMZ-Spetsstal. She is also part of the OMZ Group.
Workpieces made of steel sheet. Used steel grade SA-516 Gr70. In OMZ Group is another company involved in the process. We are talking about TK «OMZ-Izhora». It is engaged in technical support of production equipment. The specialists developed recommendations. Compliance has helped to ensure the high quality of the final product. It affected not only workpieces, but also for weld cladding. Everything was carried out according to the requirements of «Sakhalin energy». Also take into account the ASME standard.
Onshore processing facility located on the North of Sakhalin island. Received his booster compressor station products are of a diameter of 4.5 meters. Their length is 26.3 meters. The walls are with thickness of 153 mm. Products can withstand pressure up to 100 bar. All the cages weigh about 1,000 tons. They prepare for the gas that comes from offshore platforms «will». After that, the gas is sent to the South of Sakhalin.
This is the first separators of the Russian production on the project «Sakhalin energy». The decision in favor of the domestic producer made for a reason. First of all, there is a program of development of the Russian participation in the project. In addition, there is import substitution. In addition to domestic products can compete with foreign ones.