Association of Iranian steel producers has shared fresh information. It concerns the results for April 22 — may 21. So during this period, steel exports amounted to 859 thousand tons. This is 36% more than the same period last year. Most exported company Khouzestan Steel. It is engaged in the supply of semi-finished products. Her clients received during the reporting period 359,5 thous. tons. Last year the figure was 23% less.
The volume of exports 2.3 times increased Mobarakeh Steel. Thus, the figure amounted to 203.1 thousand tons. The company Esfahan Steel increased external supply 2 times. As a result, total volume is equal to — 137,9 thousand tons. For comparison, again, is taken the figure for the previous year. All leading local businesses increased exports by 25%. But experts have reported future changes.
According to forecasts, the volume of Iran’s exports will decrease. This is due to the introduction of us sanctions. For Iranian businesses, they will start on 6 August. In addition, stricter rules on internal control of exports. To put steel abroad, you must have a special certificate. It tells about the origin of the goods.
The introduction of internal constraints is explained in monetary control. It is necessary to ensure that foreign exchange revenues return to the state. Also, you need to get rid of small companies in the market. They are often involved in illegal shipments. Thus, exports will be permitted only by the steel producers.
All of this will have a negative impact on future export volumes. By the end of the year it will be significantly reduced. As regards domestic consumption, we have enough questions. Perhaps its volume is also reduced. This is due to the potential increase in the cost of steel products.