JSC HC «Yakutugol» is part of Mechel Group. The company supplies fuel in the framework of the Northern delivery. Season summer season has started, what it took. So they carried out a first shipment of coal by water. Went the fuel from the mine «Dzhebariki-Khaya». Destination are areas of Yakutia. The contract the company signed with the sue «Housing and communal services of the Republic of Sakha». According to it, coal production comes, in order to ensure the Northern delivery.
The terms of the contract is 5 months. During this period the Republic will receive more than 300 thousand tons. First delivery in amginskiy district. Followed by another 13 Central and Northern uluses of Yakutia. The sequence of deliveries is determined according to some criteria. First of all, everything depends on climatic conditions. The leading role in this definition is the state of the rivers. Shipment will be made until October. Just scheduled delivery of 302 thousand tons of coal. It is about 80% of the annual volume of production.
Before the end of the month it is planned to ship more than 50 thousand tons. In General, the supply of coal the company has been doing for many years. This happens again in the framework of the Northern delivery. This is one of the leading trends in the activities of the company. She has managed to establish itself from the best side. Its main achievement is the fulfillment of the obligations of contracts. This is extremely important, since the fuel needed for the sustenance of the local communities. In Yakutia harsh winters, and because people need to heat their homes. Without coal to make it quite difficult. In fact, the region is completely dependent on supplies of coal.