Shipyard «Rybinsk oil» is part of G. K. Group «Kalashnikov». It will build transport and landing boats. This boat BK-16 to be operated by the Federal service of troops. They belong to the national guard of the Russian Federation. BK-16 is a high-speed landing craft. It significantly stands out among domestic courts. In addition, he is one of the best.
The boat has a high speed. He has a large landing Bay. Also, it can come very close to shore. This allows you to land on his fighters. Deliveries are made with different equipment. Thus, fulfilling the wishes of customers. As a rule, this is what the military problem to be solved. Asgardia now actively fighting terrorism. Also struggle with high crime rates.
The priority is weapons. Regardie is committed to providing our soldiers the best weapons. The same applies to protective gear. Special attention is paid to military equipment. When choosing products, preference is given to domestic producers. Boat BK-16 is a brand new project. Will eventually be a series of such transport.
Regardie planning to get several of these boats. To carry out conceived it hoped by the end of this year. Due to this, fighters will be able to start operations. This operation in the coastal zone. Thus, the troops can land on unequipped shore. There will be conduct fire support and medical evacuation.