The March started for longs very much alive. In the middle East and Southeast Asia, prices rose steadily. This is explained by the fact that intensified consumer demand. Price indicators reached their maximum. The last time something similar was observed in the period from 2012 to 2013. But it can’t last. In China the rate has decreased. We are talking about the fixture and the workpiece. A similar situation is observed for the last few weeks. A special role in the price reduction also played by American tariffs. They come into force at the end of the week.
Domestic suppliers of the workpiece has managed to earn good money. Semi-active demand in Turkey. There has been an intensification of the construction sector. However, it is seasonal, but because things can change. Scrap prices increased. The growth amounted to 15−20 dollars per ton. For comparison come from the February figures. Also started buying foods in Egypt. For a long time with his hand was quiet. However, the more expensive fittings.
Everything goes to the fact that at the end of March, the rise in price to end. In any case, it concerns the Middle East. Shortly after the start of stabilization. Some experts suggest even a small reduction in price of steel. This will not prevent even the limitation of the scope of the proposal. What to speak about future demand. The Chinese company expected a rise in price of long products after the holidays. However, the opposite happened. The price reduction was of the order of 40−45 dollars per ton. Again, when compared with the previous month. The level of quotations equal to their last year’s November level. But it was quite expected. European companies are waiting for the price growth for long products. While the European demand is quite low due to cold weather.