Plant of Altai-Koks is a part of NLMK Group. Last year he managed a good save. The savings amounted to more than 17 million rubles. This became possible due to efficiency improvements. The use of resources in production processes became more rational. During the year we held 30 events. They were aimed at improving energy efficiency. First of all, it concerns optimization of the production of compressed air.
Compressed air is used to seal of pipes of coke oven batteries. Also thanks to him to clean from dust equipment. It improved the operation of the pumping-filtering station. Her work has now become automated. This makes it possible to regulate the action of the pumps. Thus, controlled their performance. It depends on the level of pressure of the technical water in the entire network.
Ideas for improving energy efficiency offered the employees themselves. Their requests were limited to the supply of thermal energy in the summer. It is supplied to the ventilation system of coke oven batteries. In addition, was upgraded lighting system. We are talking about the one in the Department of heat and power. Was installed new energy efficient lighting equipment.
Technical electricity metering is now automated. Thus, it became easier to control her intake. Energy control of the enterprise established according to international standard. This ISO 50001:2011 standard. The verification was done by the British Institute BSI. He spent the last audit of the factory. In his conclusion, the control is at a high level. This makes it possible to further reduce the costs of the enterprise.