Us company Novelis is owned by Indian group Hindalco Industries. It is engaged in the manufacture of sheet aluminum. She plans to create a factory which will produce aluminum automotive sheet. It will be placed in Kentucky. For the project needs about $ 300 million. It is reported CEO of Novelis. The new plant will be to produce 200 thousand tons per year. He will earn approximately in 2020.
The main consumers are companies involved in the construction of cars. In recent times they use aluminum. At least, many tend to switch to it. Thanks to him, the weight of cars considerably less. You can also run more stringent fuel economy standards. They will start to operate after 2020 in the United States.
European and Asian countries reduce the weight of vehicles otherwise. They are increasingly using high-strength sheet steel. In America rely on aluminum. Your prediction regarding this has made Ducker Worldwide. It was published in July last year. He reports that aluminum in U.S. cars will be more. More precisely, its share will increase to 42%. It will happen by 2028.
The price of aluminum continues to grow. It has already significantly exceeded the level of 2012. Due to this, made new investments. They invested in the production of aluminum products. Changing this trend in near future will not be observed. It will not affect even the increase in Chinese exports. Note that it continues to grow. This is due to the still high demand. Look, whether justified these predictions in the near future. While there are all preconditions for implementation.