The Novokuznetsk aluminum plant will soon receive a new plot. It will be the output of sodium sulfate from solution gas purification. Construction has already started. Is UC RUSAL. Implementation of the project costs about 70 million rubles. The station will use the new technology. Its development was engaged in the Engineering technology center RUSAL. The first time it was used at the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant in 2017.
The new technology is that sodium sulfate is derived from certain solutions. They are obtained from plants for gas purification. Get can be used for the manufacture of glass, pulp, building materials etc. When the installation is working, it will reduce the level of sulphates in solutions. Thus, the gas treatment installation will start to work more efficiently.
The equipment that will be used has already arrived to the plant. Construction began in January. Roughly the station will be operational in June. Its performance should be 8.6 million tons per year. We are talking about dry sodium sulfate. In August, the plan output for this result.
Creating a new installation takes place in the framework of the environmental program of the company. The total investment in it amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. This year the funding will be about 600 million rubles. The new technology significantly ahead of those used abroad. She has a number of properties that guarantees the best performance. The gases are cleaned much better. A particular advantage of it is that it is possible to simultaneously obtain a marketable product.