In the new year on the dynamics of the value of non-ferrous metals are influenced by several factors. If we consider previous year, price has already crossed the level of profitability. Accordingly in the current period, nothing prevents to restart the previously halted the enterprise. So, the cost of one ton of aluminum reaches about 2000 dollars, in rubles amounts to 115.4 thousand RUB. The American company Alcoa has already started to rebuild some of their own businesses. Glencore has planned a partial run of zinc deposits in Australia. In 2017, the price of zinc has risen to multi-year peak against the closure of many assets.
But we must not forget the possibility of reducing production in China. In the country are gaining momentum in environmental programs. During the heating season in January-March 2018 China is able to reduce significantly the production of copperand aluminum. But the preconditions to falling demand do not exist. It is expected that the economy of China, India, America, EU countries will develop no less rapidly than last year. It will not hurt to remember on the increasing production of electric vehicles. The development of this industry affects the cost of Nickel, cobalt and other non-ferrous metals. So in 2018 you can expect a saving shortage in the field of non-ferrous metals.
Taking into account all of the factors experts believe that in 2018 we can expect positive price dynamics in the field of heavy metals. However, given the high base annualized growth rate will be lower than last year. The dollar will also have an impact. But at the moment it is problematic to predict its dynamics, given the uncertainty in US domestic politics.