KAZ Minerals has provided the results of their nine-month of activities undertaken in the current year. During this period, the Group has developed 193.3 thousand tons of copper. This figure is almost twice more than last year when the result reached 98.6 thousand tons. Relative to second quarter production volumes increased by 14%. From the level of 65.9 thousand tons of copper they reached 75.3 thousand tons of metal. The change in performance was made possible thanks to the growth of Aktogay production. The planned annual output of copper was increased to the level of 250−270 thousand tons. Previously these figures were 235−260 thousand tons.
For the nine-month period, the company managed to get 51.4 million tons of ore. This is 44% more compared to last year results. The performance was enhanced through increased production of raw materials in Aktogay, Bozshakol. Group companies processed 30.3 million tons of raw materials. This figure is three times greater than the results of the same period of last year. In average, mined and processed the ore contains 0.73 per cent copper.
With zinc, things are not so brilliant. The ore is obtained in its content markedly decreased. This resulted 20% reduction in production volumes in the context of the quarter. On an annual basis, production volumes decreased by 19%. The influence on the deterioration had a stop Yubileyno-Snegirikhinsky mine. In addition, Orel mine went on a six-day working week. Overall for the nine-month period KAZ Minerals has developed a 45.8 thousand tons of concentrate of zinc. Despite forecasts of raw material extraction at the Artemyevsky mine had moved to the area with a higher concentration of metal. The annual planned range for the production of zinc concentrate will reduce to 60−65 thousand tons. Initial performance was 70−75 thousand tons.