Uralelectromed part of UMMC, improves and actively automatiseret production processes. Of modernization has been under construction shop of copper electrolysis. There began the construction of cathodedirected machine. Equipment manufactured by the Swedish company «Outotec». The appointment of the new equipment — washing of cathodes, the subsequent szirka and sampling. With their help, will determine the chemical composition. Another process — packaging and strapping tape made of steel. In accordance with the technical characteristics of the performance of the equipment reaches 600 cathode/hour. This figure exceeds the results of operations of the same apparatus at the moment.
To transfer the cathodes are robot manipulators. The production of these six machines will deal with the German company «Kuka». Robots in their structure present the technology in hand with a special grip. Four robots will perform basic processes, the cathode sdirki. The remaining two will be involved in the formation of packages using a cathode of copper. Installation, start-up and commissioning is planned in several stages.
Initially assemble the components, assemblies lines, the second will be connected cars. There will also be mechanisms to debug and tune the control system. The third stage includes the final start-up and debugging equipment testing, followed by further withdrawal of the machine running mode. It is assumed that the first two stages will be completed by the end of this year. In early 2018, will be made a hot start. At the moment the contractor is engaged in the mounting of the loading chamber and the conveyor. Installing transport truck, rinsing.