In preparation for the construction of the processing plant Tominskiy plant launched the process of mining. To the start of construction is prepared and the territory of the industrial site. Earlier, the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia approved the project documentation of the objects. Thanks to an issued permit, the company can begin construction of infrastructure facilities of the future plant. The project envisages the construction of 19 units. This list includes administrative, domestic buildings, storage areas, dormitories. Here are communication, treatment facilities and internal engineering networks.
It is assumed that the first stage of construction of the plant will be completed in late 2019. By this time, production facilities have to be built completely. This will allow the processing plant to the commissioning phase. Will be completed and construction of the facilities involved in the scheme to eliminate excavation of the Korkino section. Guide Tominsk GOK has listened to the recommendations, according to an environmental audit of the project documentation. The plant will not engage in the processing of oxidized ores using hydrometallurgical technology. It is intended to include Korkinsky coal cut in the process.
The plant will be built in the Chelyabinsk region. It will be located on the site of the Tominskoye Deposit producing copper-porphyry ore. The reserves estimated by experts at 660 million tons of ore. Accordingly, it is among the fifty most significant copper deposits in the world. The first shipment of ore is expected to be obtained in 2018. Prior to commissioning of factory it is planned to send to the warehouse. The design capacity of the plant will reach in 2022. She will be 28 million tons of copper ore annually.