Certified in the enterprise, «Kuznetsov» aircraft test stand No. 1. He underwent major renovations. It will be tested the engines NK-32 series 02. In addition, it provides mass production of these parts. They are necessary for missile-carrying bomber Tu-160. Early this had involved the other two stand. In connection with the increase in production volumes, their was not enough. Also there will be carried out and repairs of these engines. This will improve the throughput of the entire complex.
Reconstruction has been Boxing for testing and stand under the panels. Repaired corpus of administrative-household. Not spared and network engineering. Alteration raised bench system. In the process to build the new mine. One for exhaust, one for intake air. Of course built another room, where the engines are being prepared. After it they go to the test. The hall area is more than 1.2 thousand square meters. the Production equipment it is distributed in a rational way.
The new design will allow to reduce time for testing. Its streamlined rigging contribute to an increase in product quality. Automated parameter estimates and adjustments will create an exact model. The decision on reconstruction was made for a reason. Custom volumes are growing rapidly, and terms tightened. Therefore it is necessary to revise the production process and speed it up. The quality of the engines will not suffer, and Vice versa, even better.