In the Nickel sector undergoes another change. Not long ago, Indonesia has resumed exports of Nickel raw materials. The Philippines lifted the ban on mining it. The result of the changed structure of imports of Nickel products in the PRC. Statistics show that the number of purchased refined Nickel in recent months, fell sharply. The volume of imported raw material increased. From January to may this year in China came to 83.4 thousand tons of refined metal. Compared to the same period in 2016, a decline of 57%. However, the figures for exported products increased by 45%, amounting to 7.4 thousand tons.
However, it should be noted that the policy of the Philippines has also undergone drastic changes. Regina Lopez, the former environment Minister, lobbied for the stop obtaining Nickel raw materials. Different opinion Roy Cimatu. Army General who replaced Lopez in the post, reversed the order of its predecessor. The result was an increase in Nickel supply in China. From January to March their volume reached 2.3 million tons. However, in April-may, the indicator increased to the level of 4.4 million tons.
The supply of Nickel raw materials in the PRC has engaged in Indonesia. The 2014 ban on the export of unprocessed ore was in fact cancelled. As a result, in may of this year, Indonesian shipments to China amounted to 264 thousand tons of ore. However, in comparison with 2012−2013 this figure is significantly less. Within the specified delivery period was up to 3−3,5 million tons. However, in the future, supply volumes are expected to increase. In addition, increasing volumes of Indonesian iron content of the Nickelsupplied by Indonesia to China. In may of this year were at record mark in 158,1 thousand tons. It is not excluded that from-for low cost volume production of this product in Indonesia will be reduced.