Representatives of the European Commission talking about the preparation of responses. They will be taken if America will accept the decision regarding the limitation of the imported volumes. Such measures for the sake of national security may be imposed on the background investigation. It is conducted for 232 article trade laws of the United States. European media claim — assumed the protective duties, the amount of which reaches tens of percent. This will affect a wide range of steel products. And it’s not anti-dumping tariffs. For their entry into force will take several weeks. There is no need to appoint a lengthy investigation. Also do not require evidence regarding the damage to European producers.
The European Commission is sure that all possible measures are primarily directed against Chinese companies. Those who use, subsidies, and government privileges. But such measures will not pass side and the metallurgists of Europe. Ousted Chinese steel products will enter European markets. This will prove a powerful impact on regional manufacturers. They just started to get to his feet after the play the year before the crisis. However, such arguments are not baseless. The supply of steel from China to America in 2016 reached 789,1 thousand tons. This figure corresponds to 2.6 percent of total U.S. imports. But the background is already involved anti-dumping duties, the volume decreased in 3.7 times. This comparison was carried out with 2014 and a record score of 2.9 million tons. Besides, the EU is also involved in anti-dumping duties. They apply to a range of steel products in the PRC. With regard to galvanized steel, the investigation is ongoing. But it is possible that the EU will truly become an alternative market for Korean, Turkish or Vietnamese products.