The current President of the United States was criticized for having decided to purchase products from the manufacturers of America. According to entrepreneurs, the idea of the President threatens to increase costs to reduce stimulation of the oil industry.
You need to overcome obstacles special for the production of pipes. If this is not done, the result of government activity can be unexpected. Under a sudden understood a lot of negative production figures.
The reduction of pipeline projects does not coincide with the objectives trump to expand production. They relate to the maintenance of the economy, increasing jobs and infrastructure development.
The idea of the trump of «buying American» in respect of raw materials was delivered within a few days after the inauguration. Since then, he often mentioned these words as proof of his penchant for American manufacturing. He also said that the main pipeline must use American steel. However, the White house said the projects were launched before the arrival of trump and not subject to its rules.
The Department of Commerce was requested to consider how to transfer the pipeline with American steel. To happen is all that is necessary is within the law of the United States. Steel manufacturing announced on its ability to meet demand. However, the procurement rules in this case will be changed.
States have an interest in the development of domestic entrepreneurs, reducing dependence on foreign suppliers. However pipefitters skeptical of the possibility of obtaining raw materials for the U.S. market. According to them, domestic manufacturers do not have enough capacity. Such decisions can delay projects, increase costs and reduce quality and availability. According to some manufacturers, this has led to some negative consequences for the steel sector.
Among the victims of the Evraz company, North American network of steel supplies. They provide jobs and Canadians and Americans and serve customers in both countries. Thanks to Eurasia middle class secured jobs with high wages.
Foreigners also do not support the idea of a trump, after all, they may not coincide with trade agreements. The government of Canada has said that they have serious doubts about the plans of the Department of trade. This will develop a negative impact on trade and economic relations of the USA and Canada.