Steel from Novolipetsk, which is a key production units nmlc Groups improved. They have already started the construction of new vent valves steam machines for its production. Construction work takes place on the second in size of all the furnaces of the plant — kiln number six.
The unit is designed in order to provide the blast furnace with the blast system. It enriches oxygen in the air involved in the process for recovery of iron.
In the present time the need for blowing the blast furnace shops, namely the second, provides two vent valves of the apparatus. The workshop includes the sixth furnace, the capacity of which more than three million tons of pig iron per year. And furnace with a total capacity of almost four and a half million tons. Next year the first part of the workshop will be amenable to reconstruction. The result is increased productivity by 8 percent, or 320,000 tons per year. This requires even greater capacity for the blast production. The performance of the new blowers five hundred forty thousand cubic meters per hour. It fully provides the incremental production.
Construction work in the direction of the reconstructed blowers began within the updates. It was announced earlier and is planning to be completed in two thousand nineteenth year. Strengthening the capacity of the furnace and the use of new devaysa systems for pulverized coal require more blasting. For the first half of the year will need to strengthen by almost fifteen percent. This task is solved by a new air machine.
The magnitude of the investment in the construction of the air vehicle is approximately five billion. Commissioning is scheduled for the second half of next year.
The draft blower Monterosa original solutions to resource conservation. As an example, for heating of detached parkote use blast furnace gas. In the future, with the reconstruction unit of the air heaters will increase the temperature of the blast. It will amount to thirteen hundred degrees and will reduce the overall cost of the overall process.
The blast furnace itself will begin a correction to the commencement of the nineteenth year. Renovations will lasts one hundred and thirty-five days. Will be introduced to the work of peripheral objects for Assembly. These include: heaters, system spirituosa foundry yard and bunker overpass. Also we cannot rule out the cooling system the oven is in operation.