On the site, dealing with cleaning of the zinc electrolysis workshop began testing new equipment. Now undergoing start-up and commissioning of pipelines technical samples of the new equipment. This rework is part of a project for the introduction of Kola MMC electroextraction new technologies. They promise to be progressive and have high efficiency, in comparison with the old. Nickel anodes, according to the plans of the new system, will be replaced by a more progressive method. They will take the place of the Nickel powder, which is produced in the stove pipe.
Commented on managing Kola factory Igor ryshkel was. Norilsk Nickel is a unique manufacturer of non-ferrous metals, which owns the equipment NPTP. In 2017, the industrial site of the enterprise became the centre of Norilsk Nickel refining. And there is a direct relationship between the renewal and future development of the entire company.
At construction phase is planned complementary to the purification of liquids from impurities. In the present technique, the zinc is removed from the chain when the process of electric smelting. After the upgrade, this process would be eliminated, which will lead to risks. Inside technical chain can accumulate zinc. In order not to let that happen decided to clear the circuit from the zinc dissolving NPTP.
The cleansing process will be made on unique technology of liquid extraction. Reducing the amount of zinc in recyclable raw materials will improve. The output of the finished metal will be achieved the highest border clearance.
Commissioning incocistancies plot will take place not in one step. Directly at this time in the process of individualized testing of equipment and pipelines. In April of this year the total of all commissioning procedure of the device.
The project on introduction of new technologies for the purification of Nickel in the Kola MMC, the only part of the strategy. This part provides for the reconstruction of the production facilities of Norilsk Nickel. Investment of the company is not less than 20 billion rubles. Technology electroextraction will be implemented in 470 bath electrolysis shop of Kola MMC. Commissioned they will gradually, piece by piece. 42 bath constituting the first executable part, starting this year.