The largest manufacturer of pipes in the Russian Federation, TMK expects the demand for products. In the first place, this applies to pipes with a large diameter. The reason for this forecast was the transfer or the end of many pipeline projects. Along with this, sales of welded pipes for the industry will remain at the same level as last year. This opinion was expressed recently published report of TMK.
The report also refers to the stability of the demand for threaded pipes for the oil and gas industry. Changes will not happen, despite reduction of volumes of oil production in Russia in 2017. It is expected that the rate will remain the same as last year. Although, experts do not exclude the possibility of slight growth of this type of product.
The report also says about the likely growth of demand in the market of Europe and North America. The index will be determined by the normalization of demand in some industries. In particular we are talking about stabilizing the market engineering and also the recovery of world oil and gas sector.
In conclusion they say on the likely growth in shipments of all major commodity segments in comparison with the past year. The reason for this lies in the growth of consumption volumes in the North American market. The consumption in the domestic market of Russia will remain at the same level.
Over the past year the performance of shipments was significant, although it was less than in 2015. For the twelve months, the Russian company has managed to ship three and a half million tons of product. Compared with the twelve months 2015, the index decreased eleven per cent. Cause of decline was the drop in the number of completed welded pipes.
The indicator for seamless pipes has remained virtually unchanged. In the end, it amounted to two and a half thousand tons.
Shipment volumes of welded pipes decreased by twenty nine percent. Thus, for the year was 1024 shipped thousands of tons of this product. Drop shipment was affected by the decline in production in the American sector.
Five hundred and fifty thousand pieces — the value of shipments of premium connections reshebnik. This is twenty percent less than in 2015. In this significant role played by the stop the implementation of some oil and gas projects in America.