The fourteenth of December the State Department of mineral resources of India has published a shocking report. The communication was submitted after the statement of the Prime Minister about the ban on extraction of natural resources. Taboo is developing in Amarkantak where the source of the river Narmada.
The report of the Indian Department to speak about growth of activity, the so-called «mining mafia». Rampant crime creates many problems in many areas of India. Cases are known when members of the gang even staged the attack on the police. In total this year there were about six hundred illegal transportation of minerals. In addition, the widespread history of the dead Indian farmer. A man was hit by an excavator engaged in illegal mining. Fifty year old farmer trying to protect against theft of boulders from their fields.
The negative impact for the country have as «serious» illegal production, and minor theft. In the first place, illegal mining is having on the Indian ecology. So, scientists are confident that the mining of sand at the mouth of the river Dream, threatens the loss of rare species of Gharial. Animals are already endangered. Moreover, the work «gornodobychi mafia» on a regular basis lives. Machine, after the illegal mining pits remain. During the rains they filled with water, resulting in them regularly children are dying.
However, the environment affects not only illegal mining. Legal proceedings have no less influence on the environment. So in August the ecologists were foreseeing a large-scale test, the results where very disappointing. It became known that one of the largest local copper mines pollute the surrounding groundwater and reservoirs. In the waters in the area Balaghata found heavy metals: Nickel, lead, chromium, and iron. In addition, it should be noted that the above mine is located near nature reserve «Kanha national Park».
Now, as never from the government that decisive action is necessary. Moreover, they must involve both illegal miners and legal. In the case of ignoring the situation can be catastrophic.
Would the ban of the Prime Minister for mineral extraction some effects unlikely. In addition, the taboo on production in one area is unlikely to change the situation.