The shortage of scrap metal, steel demand — all this has forced to shudder the market of Kazakhstan. However, the Kazakh mini-mill «Casting», intends next year to achieve the total capacity. Every month, the Kazakh company intends to produce about twenty thousand tons.
Imagesin Erken — the head of the Kazakh «Casting» was told that such plans are reasonable and there are a number of good reasons. The first is the growth of competitiveness of Kazakh products in the global market. This contributed to the depreciation of the Kazakh currency. Before the main consumers of rebar and billet from Kazakhstan were mainly the countries of Central Asia. However, the last time, «Casting» has reached a new level. And now, its products are exported to the middle East and to Europe through the black sea ports.
No less significant role in increasing output in manufacturing should provide the recovery of the construction industry of Kazakhstan. The economic downturn in Kazakhstan, has created a crisis situation in this area. Some construction projects were simply frozen. But, the «Casting» look to the future with optimism. Imagesin Erken sure that next year, the construction industry is operating at full capacity.
Success factors for casting can be no exclusivity of certain products. Thus, the «Casting» — the only metallurgical plant of Kazakhstan, which produces 16-foot rebar. This kind of product is used for bridge building and the manufacture of the pile. Also, such reinforcement is widely used in the oil and gas industry.
Also, the company plans to increase production of grinding balls. Now the issue is 3−3,5 thousand tons per year. In the future, that figure will rise to 4−5 thousand tons. At the moment, balls are produced for the domestic consumer.
In early November, the Kazakh plant participated in the international exhibition «Metal-Expo 2016» in Moscow. Thus, the Kazakhs are going to attract international attention to their products.
Kazakh «Casting» was founded in 1995. And at the moment, is one of the leaders of the Kazakh market for steel products. In the country the plant is well known as a manufacturer of high-tech products. Specialization of the company is applicable to both color and black metallurgy.